  • 期刊


The Effects of the Stimulation Types for Men's Strength Performance of the Upper Limbs


Graduate Institute of Physical Education, National Ping Tung University of Education This study examined the effects of the different stimulation types for men's strength performance of the upper limbs. There were two different stimulation types: the resistant stimulation [RS] (4 repetition×80% maximum), and the vibratory stimulation [VS] (10sec, 80% maximum). Using the load cell calibrated the frequency of vibration and measured pulling force curves in the two different stimulations (i. e., RS and VS) on 24 healthy college male subjects. One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was applied for statistic analysis. The RS, VS, and basic values [BV] were significantly different on the initial maximal force, the rate force of development, and the reaction time (p<.05). However, there is no significant difference between VS and RS. In conclusion, the upper limbs of strength performance increased after accepting VS or RS, but VS did not have better effects than RS.


Graduate Institute of Physical Education, National Ping Tung University of Education This study examined the effects of the different stimulation types for men's strength performance of the upper limbs. There were two different stimulation types: the resistant stimulation [RS] (4 repetition×80% maximum), and the vibratory stimulation [VS] (10sec, 80% maximum). Using the load cell calibrated the frequency of vibration and measured pulling force curves in the two different stimulations (i. e., RS and VS) on 24 healthy college male subjects. One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was applied for statistic analysis. The RS, VS, and basic values [BV] were significantly different on the initial maximal force, the rate force of development, and the reaction time (p<.05). However, there is no significant difference between VS and RS. In conclusion, the upper limbs of strength performance increased after accepting VS or RS, but VS did not have better effects than RS.


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