  • 期刊


The Development of "Expectancy and Value Beliefs Scale in Sports for University Students"-Based on Eccles's Expectancy-Value Theory


本研究將Eccles and Wigfield(1995)對於期望與價值信念的測量予以中文化並加以修訂,建立一個適合測量台灣地區大學生的運動期望與價值信念的中文工具。共進行兩個研究,分別以421位及347位大學生為樣本,經過回溯翻譯、鑑別度檢驗、探索性及驗證性因素分析,得到能力期望、需求努力、失敗的心理代價及工作價值4 個因素,並以身體活動量以及性別差異檢驗量表的建構效度。最後,建立了信度及效度得到初步確認的「運動期望與價值量表:大學生版」。


身體活動 信念 建構效度


The purpose of this study was, based on Eccles and Wigfield's theory (1995), to develop a Chinese language scale to measure university students' expectancy and value beliefs in sports. Two studies (N=421 and 347) were conducted with a series of back-translation, item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Four factors were confirmed, including ability expectancy, required effort, psychological cost of failure, and task value. Predictive validity tests with the amount of physical activity as a criterion, and a known group difference method with gender difference as a criterion were also conducted, to examine the construct validity of the scale. Finally, a 17-item, Chinese version of scale for measuring ”Expectancy and Value Beliefs Scale in Sports for University Students” was developed.


physical activity beliefs construct validity


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