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Pest Alert-a Newly Discovered Invasion of Gall-forming Wasps, Leptocybe invasa (Fisher & La Salle), on Eucalyptus Trees in Taiwan



一種新近出現的膜翅目造癭昆蟲-桉樹枝癭釉小蜂(Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle),危害桉樹屬林木,自2000年以來肆虐歐洲以及非洲等地,造成許多國家與造林公司重大的經濟損失。2010年6月,台灣首度在桉樹上記錄到本種害蟲。本文整理桉樹枝癭釉小蜂的已知世界分布國家以及寄主植物種類,描述成蟲的基本生物學等相關資料,同時記錄台灣的分布地區以及寄主植物範圍。由於其來勢洶洶,提醒育林業者與防檢疫人員提高警覺,以減輕入侵種害蟲造成造林的重大衝擊。


A newly found invasion of gall-making Hymenoptera, Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle, that damages Eucalyptus trees is reported here. Since 2000, this wasp has spread throughout most countries of Africa and Europe, causing huge economic losses. In June 2010, this wasp was found on Eucalyptus trees. This pest alert describes the fundamental biological data of adult Leptocybe invasa, and presents its existing host plants and its distribution around the world. Also, we report the distribution of this wasp and its host plants in Taiwan. Because of the overwhelming invasion, this article alerts silviculture companies and pest inspection staff to allow them to reduce the impact of this pest.
