  • 期刊


Literature Review on How Extra-curricular Activities Participation Affects the Physical and Mental Health of Senior High School and Vocational High School Students




休閒參與 高中職 學生


This research aimed to investigate the correlation between ”extra-curricular activities” and its effects on the physical and mental health of senior high and vocational school students. Literature analysis methodology was employed: past studies and researches were used as foundations and reference for this research, and collected data were organized and classified to augment this study. The results revealed that extra-curricular activities can assist in relieving students' stress; furthermore, through participation in team activities students can develop their team spirit and cooperation. These lead to meaningful friendships and praise, which in turn allows them to face more difficult challenges in life. Hence, the effective use of spare time in joining recreational activities, either static or active type, can achieve the goals of relaxation, health, self-improvements and relieving stress. Indeed, positive instillation of the value of joining healthy activities can help teenagers develop healthy bodies, a positive attitude, joyful growth and relief of stress. This research proposes the following steps: currently as students' recreational values alter, appropriate education in the value of extra-curricular activities is crucial and worthy of our attention. In addition, both senior high and vocational phase are critical stage in students' life development. Through the appropriate participation of extra-curricular activities, positive attitude can be developed, stress and problems of academic pursuit can be reduced, students can get a sense of balance and serenity, several behavioral issues can be eliminated and it can assist in their adaptation of life in general. Furthermore, to achieve the ultimate goal of developing an all-rounded healthy personality of each student, they must possess the ability to cultivate and plan their own extra-curricular activities, which in turn develops their career goal setting, time management and healthy participation skills.
