  • 期刊

The Effects of Volunteer Soldiers' Social Network on Their Global Organizational Commitment-The Moderating Effect of Core Self-Evaluation


本研究檢驗台灣志願役士兵社會網絡對於其整體組織承諾的影響,並且探究核心自我評價(CSE)對於上述關係是否具有調節效果。本研究以192位志願役士兵為樣本進行迴歸分析,研究發現:(1)志願役士兵的情感性關係對於其整體組織承諾具有顯著的正面影響;(2) 志願役士兵的工具性關係對於其整體組織承諾具有顯著的正面影響;(3)志願役士兵的CSE對於其情感性關係和整體組織承諾之間關係具有顯著正向調節效果;(4)志願役士兵的CSE對於其工具性關係和整體組織承諾之間關係具有顯著正向調節效果。理論涵義、管理實務建議與研究限制亦在本文討論中。


This study investigates the effects of volunteer soldiers' social network on their global organizational commitment, and explores whether core self-evaluation (CSE) moderates the above relationship in Taiwan. Based on a regression analysis of 192 volunteer soldiers with ammunition specialty, this study found: (1) volunteer soldiers' expressive ties have significantly positive effects on their global organizational commitment; (2) volunteer soldiers' instrumental ties have significantly positive effects on their global organizational commitment; (3) CSE has significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship between expressive ties and global organizational commitment of volunteer soldiers; (4) CSE has significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship between instrumental ties and global organizational commitment of volunteer soldiers. This study also discusses theoretical implications, practice suggestions and research limitations.


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