  • 期刊


Quality Improvement Programs: Effectiveness on Catheter and Ventilator-Related Infections




Nosocomial infection is an indicator for the quality of health care. Good infection control measures are of cost-benefit. Most of the patients in the intensive care units (ICU), having underlying diseases and receiving invasive procedures, are prone to acquire nosocomial infections. We collected data of various catheter and ventilator usage and rates of nosocomial infections in our ICU in the year 2000 and 2001. We applied the methods of the Association of Medical Improvement, which was modified from the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance (NISS) program of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The infection control practitioner visited ICU everyday to collect the patients' data, including patient transfer into or out of ICU, type of the foreign bodies, and the days of their usage; and enrolled the patients who fulfilled the definitions of nosocomial infections for further investigation. We used quality control (QC) circle activity and brainstorm exercise to analyze the weak points, and then set up an appropriate policy. The standard of procedures for the invasive procedures was strictly followed. The study revealed that the rates of the foreign body usage in our ICU were 84.3%, 39.3%, and 63.5% for indwelling urinary catheter, central venous catheter, and ventilators, respectively, in the year 2000; and were 74.4%, 34.9%, and 69.1%, for the respective foreign bodies in the year 2001. There were reduced frequencies in the usage of urinary catheter, and central venous catheter after the initiation of the quality improvement program. Further, the infection rates for the three procedures all decreased from 3.5‰, 4.4‰, and 10.9‰, respectively, in 2000, to 1.8‰, 4.1‰, and 6.7‰, respectively, in 2001. These data demonstrated that we successfully applied the QC methods to the nosocomial infection control.




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