  • 期刊


International Development of Field Server and Wireless Sensor Network


無線感測網路是資訊科技與微機電技術發展到近期的自然產物,在日本農業的應用以遵循IEEE制定的802.11b的田間伺服器(field server, FS)為最著稱;歐美的發展則以遵循802.15.4通訊協定的ZigBee為主,以無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN)稱之,以柏克萊加州大學發展的MOTE及NASA噴射引擎實驗室(JPL)所發展的感測網(Sensor Web, SW)為最著名。MOTE幾乎已成業界標準,並衍生多家企業,包括MOTEIV、CrossBow等,相關產品分別為Moteiv、MICA、MICADot、Telos-A和Telos-B;大公司如Intel 也有相關商品問世,如iMote等。CrossBow公司的產品又稱Smart dust,顧名思義代表其兼具智慧與極小尺寸。Intel近期也在發展遵循802.11的Mote,以iMOTE2稱之,FS與MOTE的分野漸漸模糊了。FS與WSN的應用,國內、外皆然,初期都以生態觀察與環境監測為主,SW最早在加州杭亭頓圖書館的花園佈建了數十個監測點,後來擴展到葡萄園土壤水分的監測,也佈建於太空梭發射地點附近的農田與溫室內。國內在生態觀察的應用以林業試驗所與國家高速網路中心參與的生態格網為代表,在福山、鴛鴦湖與墾丁海域都有佈點,在農業生產的應用則以臺大團隊參與的作物生產履歷資訊系統在斗南鎮農會示範農田內與臺大校內分別建立3個與2個監測點為代表;臺灣農業資訊科技發展協會也曾引進日本的FS,並在中興大學建立三個監測點。FS與WSN主要是建立了一個無線傳輸上網的平台,真正的應用在結合感測器與對感測訊號的解讀之後的因應控制動作。本文除了簡介FS與WSN在國內外的發展之外,亦介紹兩者在農業領域、氣象領域與防災及風險管理上的應用例。FS與WSN的研發旨在作為建立智慧環境(Ambient Intelligence)的工具,舉凡野外環境、田間環境、設施內環境、生活環境、辦公室環境、工廠環境等都有極大的以人為本的可智慧化的空間。在強調e化與M化的現階段臺灣,發展與擴大應用FS與WSN正是時候。


Wireless sensor network is the recent product due to the marriage of information technology and micro-electronic devices. In Japan, the most famous agricultural application is the development of field server (FS) following IEEE 802.11b protocol. In Europe and US, Mote developed by Berkeley and Sensor Web (SW) developed by JPL of NASA following IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee alliance gain the greatest attention. Currently, Mote is now almost the standard among researchers and many companies including MoteIV and CrossBow. Recently, Intel Corp. also joins in promoting such system. The recent product, iMote2, from Intel, switched from IEEE 802.15.4 to 802.11 protocol. The dividing line between field server and Mote are now unclear. Applications of FS and WSN are mainly in ecological and environmental monitoring. SW was first installed in the garden of Hungtington library, CA by JPL of NASA, and in the open field and inside greenhouses later. In Taiwan, its application is in Eco-Grid first, then, in open-field of Dou-Nan and National Taiwan University. TAITA also imported 3 FS from Japan and installed in National Chung-Hsing University. FS as well as WSN are platforms for wireless transfer. The further important tasks are the actions and counter-acts after receiving sensors signals. This paper introduced the international applications of FS and WSN, focusing on agriculture, weather and risk management. The FS and WSN served as tools for the build up of ambient intelligence including ambient of wild open field, open field, inside structure, office, and manufacturing plant. At the current stage of Taiwan with the focal points on applications of electronic and mobility, FS and WSN can served as valuable platform.


