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Agrometeorological Disasters Occurred on the Tea Gardens in Taiwan and Its Responsive Strategies




氣象災害 旱害 霜害 焚風


Tea is an important economic crop in Taiwan, with an annual revenue of 380 millions US dollars and cultivated land of 18,208 ha (2005). Dominant tea areas cover Nantou, Taipei, Chiayi and Taoyuan Counties. Because of its wide distribution in Taiwan, tea trees are exposed to diversed meteorological environment. Common agrometeorological disasters occurred on the tea gardens in Taiwan include foehn, drought, frost, typhoon, and flood damages. Typically, foehn occurred in Taitung tea area, causing tea leaves to roll and the lowering of tea quality. Recent foreign tea competition, shortage of farm labor, weakness of plant vigor, partial tea areas shifting to rain-feed, and rough cultivation practices resulted in frequent drought problems, especially in tea areas of Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli Counties. Currently a severe drought case occurred in June 2006 in Taipei, Yeelan, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli tea areas. Frost damage occurred in March 2005 also brought about severe losses in Nantou and Chiayee tea areas. Many typhoons attacked Taiwan in the years of 2004 and 2005. ”Mindulle” and ”Hightang” were the two tough ones, resulting a significant soil loss in some tea gardens. Responsive strategies to meteorological disasters firstly lie on prevention measures. Be aware of weather forecast and use of field water spray are the key tactics to mitigate the damage of foehn. Installing irrigation facilities, planting drought resistant cultivars, and suitable cultivation management allowing roots to penetrate to deep soil are strategies used in drought prevention. Regulating tea harvest dates is the main strategy to prevent frost damage in high mountain tea areas. The best way to reduce typhoon damage is to harvest tea prior to typhoon arrival. Setting wind-break and keeping grasses over tea garden are two ways to prevent from soil erosion. In regarding to the frequent meteorological disasters in recent years, it is suggested, to either new or old tea gardens, to conduct meteorological conditions analysis, either by tea farms' owners or by government agencies is necessary, so that better preventing strategies can be formulated.


Tea Meteorological disaster Drought Frost damage Foehn wind


江裕春(2010)。龍潭椪風茶文化研究 ─ 在地知識的傳承〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2010.00029
