  • 期刊


The Causal Relationship Analysis of the Influence of Performance Evaluation Purpose on Organization Commitment and Job Satisfaction


交通部配合政府組織改造,擬將現有基隆、臺中、高雄及花直在等四個港務局朝「行政法人化」方向規劃;而從行政管理的觀點來看,不論任何組織變革與工作重新設計,都將對工作者與員工績效造成某種衝擊與改變,此議題十分值得學術與實務界重視與探討之。 本研究針對基隆、臺中、高雄及花蓮等四個港務局行政公務人員進行普查,共獲有效樣本96筆,回收率為43%。本文利用結構方程模式(Lisrel)及階層迴歸來驗證所設立的假設。研究結果顯示,情感承諾正向影響工作滿意;工作角色衝突負向影響工作滿意。績效評估行政、角色界定目的正向影響績效體系滿意認知。角色界定目的正向影響情感承諾,負向影響角色衝突;而角色衝突部分中介角色衝突和工作滿意間的關係。整體而言,本文的確證實績效評估的「角色界定」目的,深切影響港務局公務員相關態度認知。


The Ministry of Transportation and Communication has formulated the reengineering program of Harbor Bureau these years. It is considered to be an organizational change for most public servants in public organization. Performance evaluation is always considered as a management too l to evaluate what the difference reengineering program really makes. Then, the perception of purpose of performance evaluation by public servants has been believed to be determinant of their job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This study collects 96 valid samples from four Harbor Bureaus in Taiwan and uses Lisrel and hierarchical regression to test the hypothesized relationships we explored. The results show that: affective organizational commitment positively affects job satisfaction; work role conflict negatively affects job satisfaction; administrative and work role definition purpose positively affects performance evaluation satisfaction; work role definition positively influences affective organizational commitment; and work role conflict partially mediates the relationship between work role definition purpose and job satisfaction.


GLADYSHEVA, O. (2016). 中國廣州國際學校中ESL教師的組織承諾 [master's thesis, National Chung Cheng University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614072619
