  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship Between Toddlers' Behavioral Reactions to Hospitalization and Primary Caregivers' Anxiety


目的 探討影響幼兒住院行為反應與主要照顧者焦慮程度之因素,及兩者間的相關性。方法 以南部某醫學中心121位幼兒之主要照顧者為對象,使用兒童住院之行為量表與情境焦慮量表進行資料收集,透過描述性統計、t-test、One-Way ANOVA、Pearson's correlation等方法檢定各變項之相關性。結果 研究結果發現,幼兒基本屬性與住院行為反應無顯著關係,且主要照顧者基本屬性與焦慮程度無統計之顯著關係,然而幼兒住院行為反應與主要照顧者焦慮程度有顯著正相關。結論 本研究顯示主要照顧者不論基本屬性為何,其焦慮程度會隨著幼兒行為反應增加而上升,因此在執行衛教時,可將幼兒住院會出現的反應納入說明,讓照顧者有心理準備,並適時降低幼兒行為反應,以減緩其焦慮情緒。


Purposes The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between toddlers' behavioral reactions to hospitalization and primary caregivers' anxiety. Methods A convenience sampling method of 121 caregivers, enrolled at a tertiary center, was used in our study. The instruments adopted to assess toddlers' behavior and caregivers' anxiety were the Post Hospital Behavior Questionnaire and State Anxiety Inventory respectively. Statistical analyses were conducted using descriptive statistics, a t-test, a one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. Results There was no significant relationship between the toddlers' demographic data and their behavioral reactions to hospitalization. They also demonstrated no significant relationship between caregivers' demographic data and their anxiety. However, toddlers' behavioral reactions correlated positively with caregivers' anxiety. Conclusions The findings indicate that the more behavioral reactions to hospitalization the toddlers have, the more anxiety the caregivers experience. Hence, we should include information on toddlers' behavioral reactions in the admission instructions in order to comfort caregivers and relieve their anxiety.


Toddlers' behavior Primary caregiver Anxiety
