  • 期刊

The Prediction of Regular Exercise Intention and Behavior among Elementary School Teachers-A Test the Theory of Planned Behavior





The purpose of this study was to predict and explain exercise intention and behavior among elementary school teachers by using the Azjen's theory of planned behavior. Participants were 333 elementary school teachers (100 males and 233 females) in northern part of Taiwan. After receiving the inform consent, subjects were asked to complete Regular Exercise Questionnaire, and Seven-Day Exercise Behavior Recall Questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by Chi-square test, Pearson product-moment correlation, hierarchical multiple regression analysis, and two-way ANOVAs. The results indicated that: (1) There was 31.5% teachers had regular exercise habit. There was a significant proportion difference in regular exercise among teacher's sex, age, exercise partners, and exercise group. (2) Teachers' regular exercise intention was significantly predicted by regular exercise attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The total explained variance for the direct and the indirect (belief-based) measures were 63% and 35% respectively. Teachers' regular exercise behavior was significantly predicted by regular exercise intention and perceived behavior control. The total explained variance for the direct and the indirect measures were both 27%. (3) The sum of products in terms of behavioral beliefs multiplying evaluation of the outcome had positive correlation with the attitude. The sum of products in terms of normative beliefs multiplying motivation to comply had positive correlation with the subjective norm. The sum of products in terms of control beliefs multiplying perceived behavior control. (4) The result of path analysis showed that the direct measures of variables did not fit the theory model. (5) The male teachers reported higher regular exercise attitude, perceived behavior control, control belief, perceived power, intention, and behavior than the female teachers. The teachers who were above 40 years old reported higher regular exercise normative belief, control belief, perceived power, and behavior than the teachers who were 30-39 and under 29 years old. The teachers who were 30-39 years old reported higher regular exercise control belief, perceived power than the teachers who were under 29 years old.


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