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A Study of Organizational Culture for Physical Education Administrative Organizations in Taiwan



本研究之主要目的在於瞭解目前國內官方及民問體育行政組織組織文化之深層內涵與特性,並歸納國內體育行政組織之組織文化,藉供體育行政組織參考並提升組織效能。研究對象為行政院體育委員會、教育部中部辦公室、教育部體育司、高雄市政府教育局五科、中華民國高中體育總會、中華民國大專校院體育總會及中華民國奧林匹克委員會之行政人員共十八人。以半結構式問卷-【台灣地區體育行政組織文化調查問卷】及錄音機為本研究之工具。問卷調查法收集初步資料後,再以深度訪談了解國內官方及民問體育行政組織組織文化之深層內涵與特性。結果發現: (一)國內官方體育行政組織文化較偏向於成果導向及重視績效之理性文化,與重視團體凝聚力有人情味及個人感受之共識文化;亦具備強調企業精神、領導風格傾向於創新之發展文化;少數組織擁有高度正式化官僚體制之科層文化。 (二)我國民問體育行政組織文化趨向於重視成果導向及組織績效的理性文化;同時具備革新創新及講求工作突破的發展文化;少數組織之組織文化意函為講求團體共識凝聚力與家庭般和諧組織氣氛的共識文化,及高度正式化保守的科層文化。 (三)我國體育行政組織應倡導組織成員自我要求成長、增加進修機會、追求創新並與領導者目標一致的發展文化,及對組織有認同感、歸屬感及向心力的共識文化,以提升組織效能。


The purposes of this study was to reveal the kernel of the connotation and value among the governmental and non-governmental physical education administrative organizations. Eighteen administrative staffs selected from 7 organizations (National Council on Physical Fitness and Sports R.O.C., Central Section Office of Education Ministry, the Department of Physical Education in the Ministry of Education, 5(superscript th) Division of Kaohsiung Municipal Bureau of Education, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation and Senior High Schools Sports Federation) served as the subjects of this study. The instrument used in this study were ”The Questionnaire of Physical Education Administrative Organizational Culture in Taiwan” and cassette recorder. The questionnaire was administered for collecting initial data. Depth interview was followed to recover circumstances of organizational culture. The results were derived: 1. The governmental physical education administrative organizations not only had powerful trend of rational culture and consensual culture but also had development culture, and only a few organizations had hierarchical culture. 2. The kernel of the connotation and value among the non-governmental physical education administrative organizations trended toward rational culture while it existed development culture. Both consensual culture and hierarchical culture were still existed in few organizations. 3. To raising the development culture and rational culture can improve the governmental and non-governmental physical education administrative organizational effectiveness.


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