  • 期刊


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of buffer alkaline water supplement on anaerobic power performance


本研究目的是探討補充不同pH值鹼性電解水是否有效增加緩和鹼性物質在無氧動力運動表現上之影響。方法:以36位20-30歲健康成年人,依據食物頻率問卷做配對分組,分配到純水組(pH值為7.0)、鹼性電解水A組(pH值為8.2-8.73)及鹼性電解水B組(pH值為9.51、鈣鎂增量6倍),共3組(每組各12名),以30秒溫蓋特無氧動力測試(wingate anaerobic test)測量其最高無氧動力(peak power, PP)、平均無氧動力(mean power, MP)及疲勞指數(fatigue index, FI%),並探討各組持續補充7天後之差異。統計方法以混合設計二因子變異數分析(two-way mixed design ANOVA)比較各組數值前後測及組間之差異,顯著水準設為α =.05。經統計結果顯示補充不同pH值之鹼性電解水後溫蓋特無氧動力測試之結果,在PP及MP部分,僅鹼性電子水A組有顯著上升的趨勢(p <.05),但在FI%部分則無顯著差異(p >.05)。故本研究結論為七天補充pH值為8.2-8.73之鹼性離子水具提升短時間高強度運動表現之趨勢。


Method: 36 health young adults (age range 20 to 30) were divided into 3 groups according to their dietary frequency survey. There were pure water group (pH 7.0) and alkaline water A group (pH range 8.2-8.73) and alkaline water B group (pH 9.51、6 times of Ca+ & Mg2+). All subjects were taken Wingate 30 seconds peak anaerobic test to get their peak power, mean power, and fatigue index, and also discuss the differences among 3 groups after 7 days different water supplements consistently. The statistical method was two-way mixed design ANOVA to compare the differences among before and after & inner groups. The significant level was setα =.05. The results shows that only alkaline water A group supplement has significant increasing tendency on peak power and mean power (p <.05). Therefore, the conclusion of this study is that 7 days alkaline water (pH range 8.2-8.73) supplement has increasing tendency on short time high intensity exercise performance.


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