  • 期刊


A Study on the Attitude and Experience of Ecotourism Abstract


本研究目的旨在探討台南市國小教師生態旅遊態度與體驗之現況,並分析不同背景變項的國小教師在生態旅遊態度與體驗之差異情形,採用問卷調查法,以「台南市國小教師生態旅遊態度與體驗量表」為研究工具,共發出問卷430份,回收有效問卷數410份,有效回收率95%。本研究將回收的有效問卷資料以SPSS For Windows 19.0版,以描述性統計與單因子多變量變異數分析等進行資料分析,結果發現:不同背景變項的教師在生態旅遊態度方面,不同任教年資、不同職務及曾經參與生態旅遊活動次數多寡之國小教師達顯著差異。不同背景變項的教師在生態旅遊體驗方面,不同年齡、不同職務及曾經參與生態旅遊活動次數多寡之國小教師達到顯著差異。參加生態旅遊活動次數較多受訪者,較能從感官體驗及行動體驗汲取所需的知識,而且在體驗度顯著優於其他不同背景變項的教師,顯示多參與生態旅遊活動可增進環境意識。


生態休閒 旅遊 體驗


The purpose of the study was to find out the attitude and experience ecotourism among elementary school teachers in Tainan City, also analyzed the ecotourism differences with different backgrounds. The research was conducted by questionnaire survey with the questionnaire titled "The attitude and experience ecotourism among elementary school teachers in Tainan City", questionnaires were sampling to 430 elementary school teachers in Tainan City and 410 of the samples were valid. The overall valid percentage for the questionnaire was 95%. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and one-way MANOVA by SPSS was for Windows 19.0 versions. The findings were as follows: the teachers with different years of teaching, different job positions and different amount of ecotourism participation had significant differences in the attitude toward ecotourism. The teachers of different ages, different job positions and different amount of ecotourism participation had significant differences in the experience of ecotourism. The subjects who participated more activities of ecotourism got the wanted knowledge from the scene experience and act experience, also got more significant experiences than other different backgrounds teachers, however, joint the ecotourism activities can improve the environment consciousness.


ecotourism tour experience


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