  • 期刊


The safety of concentrated herbal extract powders in hemodialysis patients : analysis of liver function test, renal function test and electrolyte


中醫治療血液透析(洗腎)患者的併發症有一定療效,但中藥的安全性常被質疑,故本研究以洗腎患者進行研究,希望對科學中藥的安全性提供依據。本實驗納入103 年1 月1日到12 月31日中國醫藥大學北港附設醫院和臺南市立安南醫院至少服用七天科學中藥的洗腎患者; 就診中醫前後有既定的常規檢查。總共16 名符合條件,統計發現尿素氮在服用科學中藥後第三次和第四次追蹤,分別與服藥前相比, 均有統計學差異( P < 0.05)。血中二氧化碳值在服藥後第二次和第三次追蹤, 與服藥前相比,均有統計學差異。白蛋白、血中電解質濃度、肝指數、血紅素和紅血球生成素使用量在服藥後經連續四次檢查,與服藥前相比, 均無統計學差異。顯示患者服用科學中藥短期內並不會影響肝腎功能、血中電解質濃度和血紅素,且其有降低尿素氮和改善血中酸鹼值的優點。本研究為第一篇探討科學中藥對洗腎患者的安全性, 結果說明科學中藥對於常規使用西醫治療的洗腎患者相對安全。


Although Traditional Chinese medicine is frequently applied for treatment of hemodialysis relative complications, patients often question the safety of Chinese medicine. This study is the first research to confirm the safety of concentrated herbal extract powders in hemodialysis patients. We selected the patients who took concentrated herbal extract powders at least seven days from Jan 1,2014 to Dec 31, 2014. All patients were monitored as modern medicine guideline. Results reveal no statistical significance (P>0.05) in serum Creatinine, electrolyte, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, hemoglobin and Albumin before and after taking concentrated herbal extract powders. It shows that concentrated herbal extract powders don't increase the burden of liver and kidney function or bring about the electrolyte imbalance and anemia. In conclusion, concentrated herbal extract powders are relatively safe for hemodialysis patients.


Yifei Zhong, Yueyi Deng, Yiping Chenl, Peter Y Chuang and John Cij iang He. Therapeutic use of traditional Chinese herbal medications for chronic kidney diseases. Kidney International (2013) 84, 1108-1118; doi: 10.1038/ki.2013.276; published online 17 July 2013 .
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宋維明、胡蜀賓: 中醫防治慢性腎功能衰竭血液透析併發症體會。中國中醫藥信息雜誌2 0 0 8 年10 月第1 5 卷第10 期
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