  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Analysis of Butterfly's Personality Changes in the Mark of Butterfly by Chen Xue




This paper aims to analyze the reasons for the protagonist Butterfly’s imbalanced personality and suffering in The Mark of Butterfly by Chen Xue with Freudian psychoanalysis composed of four elements known as the id, the ego and the superego, as well as discussing causes and effects of how Butterfly gets influenced and changed brought by a series of events. Butterfly, the protagonist in the novel, is disciplined by the high standard of morals owing to her family background. It is her high standard of morals that makes her feel guilty and resists her homosexual desires. Her inborn small ego hinders her from choosing the big id that would cause a great stir in the society; thus she bends to moral superego that is expected by the others and let her inner desires repressed and silenced. What emancipate the protagonist from strongly imbalanced personality she suffers enormously are four important reversals plotted by Chen Xue. Through suffering and discovery in those events, Butterfly is forced to reflect upon her own life again, thus being able to confront desires of her own and eventually escapes from repression. By applying psychoanalysi, this paper looks deeper how impeccably refined and carefully Chen Xue describes the feelings and struggles one might have in the face of adversity, and how Chen Xue guides the protagonist out of the bondage of repression and suffering. Finally, this paper offers criticism based on the effects the work reflects in reality.
