  • 期刊


Study on Architectural Concepts of the Lin Family Mansion and Garden




The author has numerous questions regarding the architecture of the Lin Family Mansion and Garden(林本源園邸). For example, why do its Three- Courtyard House( 三落大厝) and Five-Courtyard House(五落大厝) respectively face north and south, two totally different directions? Why buildings in the garden lack integral allocation? With respect to these questions, the study intended to discuss them from the angles of literature and thought. The entire Lin Family Mansion and Garden was comprehended as the space of appreciation, and was grasped as the space of thought as well. Based on this, the author proposed his opinions which are different from researches in the past. Specifically, the study referred to the survey report left behind by its Japanese architect and Chinese calligraphy and paintings of Mr. Lu Shi- Tsuen(呂世宜), a teacher engaged by the Lin family. In respect to the relation between the Three-Courtyard House and the Five-Courtyard House, the study probed into the primary condition of the Five-Courtyard House, observed the two buildings, and proved that the allocation relation of the two buildings is like the Eight Diagrams. Additionally, the architectural allocation in the garden obviously presents the shape of Big Dipper. Moreover, the names of buildings in the Lin Family Mansion and Garden were compared with the doctrine of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements to serve as the basis of the architectural concepts of the garden. In conclusion, the study found that its architectural concepts follow ideology related to the nature and humans in traditional Chinese thought as what is mentioned above.
