  • 期刊


The Study on Participants' Involvement in Marathon and Purchase Intention of Sport Wearable Devices in 2015 Southern Taiwan Science Park's Marathon Race




Purpose: The purposes of the study were to analyze the participants' involvement in marathon race in order to predict their purchase intentions toward sport wearable devices, and to understand if there were any differences in descriptive statistics of the participants' involvements in marathon. Method: The subjects were selected from the registered runners in 2015 Southern Taiwan Science Park's marathon race. A total of 450 questionnaires were administered, from which 418 were usable, making the response rate of 92.8%. Data collected were later analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, MANOVA and Simple Linear Regression analysis. Result: The results showed that most of the participants were students, male, disposable income under $10,000 per month, 25-34 years old, universities level of education, practicing running 1-2 times per week, attended running activity once before, registered in 9k group, and never bought or used sport wearable devices before. Conclusion: The participants' involvement in marathon could predict purchase intentions effectively. Some variables could affect the participants' involvement in marathon race, such as how many times to practice every week, how many times to participate in marathon race, levels of competition, have ever purchased or used sport wearable devices; and the higher the participants' involvement in marathon, the higher the purchase intentions. It is suggested that future studies look at different competition levels, types of marathon race, varies main themes of races, and how big the race event to further research the purchasing intentions of sport wearable devices.


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