  • 期刊


The Distinctive Phone and Shared Phone of Chongniu Doublets


本文以重紐韻的重紐字爲研究對象,用五個基本論題來概括重紐的各方面問題。筆者在既有的研究基礎之上,針對重紐分向合流與迅速消失的現象提出「中心音素覆蓋說」的主張。從歷史來源來看,重紐對立的兩類小韻經過結構調整之後仍是介音的對立。其區別性音素十分明確,重紐三等由*-rj-變爲-ɨ-(barred i),重紐四等則維持-j-。所有的重紐小韻都帶有i音素,相當於語音場內的中心音素。此中心音素較爲穩定,易於發音,故而逐步覆蓋了重紐兩類小韻的區別性音素。先是重紐四等-j-介音被中心音素i覆蓋而跟純四等韻合流,接著普通三等韻也跟四等韻合流。重紐三等的區別性音素在三、四等韻合流的大勢中更顯得微不足道,也被i音素覆蓋。因此重紐在近代音中迅速地消聲匿跡。


The object of this paper is to summarize the problems of the words in Chongniu rhymes in five statements and to explain the phenomena of Chongniu rhymes as they merged individually and vanished in the Post-middle Chinese. From the point of view of historical linguistics, the minimal phoneme in Chongniu pairs is always in the place between onset and nuclear vowel in a syllable even though it is re-analyzed in the Middle Chinese. The distinctive phones of Chongniu doublets are very clear. Chongniu's pre-nuclear glide at division 3 is re-analyzed from -rj- to -ɨ- (barred i). Chongniu's pre-nuclear glide at division 4 keeps the medial -j- from Old Chinese to Middle Chinese. Every word in the Chongniu rhymes has the high front vowel -i which is the so-called ”shared phone” of the phonetic field. The shared phone is usually more stable and common than the distinctive phones. Therefore, the former covers the latter step by step. The medial -j- of Chongniu at division 4 does not merge with the medial -i- of the pure 4th division until the non-fricative feature in the shared phone has replaced the fricative feature of the medial -j-. On the other hand, the medial -ɨ- (barred i) of Chongniu at division 3 competes with the shared phone -i. The high-front feature of -i phone overrides and covers the high-middle feature of Chongniu at division 3. The contrasted pairs between Chongniu division 3 and division 4 are less and less because the rhyme words have the same medial, i.e. the -i phone, at the 3rd division and the 4th division. That is the reason why the Chongniu doublets vanish in Post-middle Chinese.


Chongniu distinctive phone shared phone phonetics phonology


Lin, C. K. (2008). 東亞漢字音之入聲韻變化: 以優選理論探討 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.00739
