  • 期刊


Reliability and Validity Analysis of the Revised Chinese Version of Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport)


Kellmann和Kallus所編製之運動身心狀況量表(RESTQ-Sport)是一份用於評量運動員在訓練與比賽期間生理及心理層面的主觀壓力程度與恢復感。本研究之主要目的在於修訂中文版運動身心狀況量表,並考驗其內部一致信度、建構效度與效標關聯效度,以期能適合國內作為運動訓練負荷監控之參考工具。第一階段研究對象為245名運動選手(男170名,年齡21.51±3.14歲,女75名,年齡20.77±2.19歲),評量他們過去三天內在參與運動訓練時所感受到之壓力程度與從事恢復活動的頻率,所得資料以主成份分析法、直接斜交轉軸之探索性因素分析考驗此量表的建構效度,以Cronbach α檢驗各因素之內部一致信度;另以188名社會甲組籃球選手(男130名、女58名,年齡為22.29±4.07)為研究對象,考驗本量表與盤斯心情狀態量表之效標關聯效度。經修訂後,本量表共有52題,具有『壓力』、『自我調節』、『身體不適』、『心理放鬆』、『缺乏能量』、『生理放鬆』、『疲勞』、『成功』、『個人成就』與『體能狀態』十個因素,可解釋變異量佔總變異量的56.27%,各因素之Cronbach α值介於.61-.93之間,且經皮爾遜積差相關考驗後發現運動身心狀況量表與盤斯心情量表之間有顯著相關存在,顯示修訂後的中文版運動身心狀況量表其有可接受的建構效度、效標關聯效度與內部一致信度。後續研究建議進行二階層驗證性因素分析,確認本量表的整體架構及考驗測量模式的適合度。


RESTQ-Sport (Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes) was a psychological inventory developed to monitor the balance between exercise-induced stress and recovery activities during repeatedly physical training and competition. In order to exam the reliability and validity of the revised Chinese version of RESTQ-Sport, 245 well-trained athletes (170 males & 75 females) were measured how often his/her thoughts and feelings appeared in the past 3 days. Besides, the criterion-related validity with POMS was administered to 188 basketball players (130 male & 58 female). An exploratory factor analysis revealed that Chinese version of RESTQ-Sport has ten sub-scales named stress, self-condition, injury, psychological relaxation, lack of energy, physical relaxation, fatigue, success, personal accomplish, and physical fitness. Second, the internal consistency coefficients of sub-scales were range from .61 to .93. Last, each sub-scale of RESTQ-Sport had significant correlate with sub-scales of POMS. In general, This revised Chinese version of RESTQ-Sport indicated appropriate validity and reliability. We suggest the further studies to check both of the construct of this RESTQ-Sport and the good fit of goodness of measured model by two layer confirmatory factor analysis.
