  • 期刊


A Study on the Differences in the Perception of the Objectives of Recreational Education between Physical Education Instructors and College Students in the Tainan Area


本研究之主要目的,在瞭解台南地區大專校院之體育教師與學生在休閒教育目標認同傾向之差異性情形;研究結果將提供給全國各大專校院未來在體育通識課程、體育課程及體育教學的參考和依據。本研究以台南地區20所大專院校,170位體育教師、3,585位大學生為研究對象,以「台南地區休閒教育目標認同傾向調查表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查和專家訪談,並以t考驗、項目分析、因素分析、變異數分析等統計方法來進行討論與比較,研究結果發現:一、台南地區大專院校體育教師與大專學生之休閒教育目標的認同順位,依序為:休閒態度、社會互動、休閒參與、休閒冶療、休閒決定、休閒技巧、休閒體驗、休閒倫理、休閒禁忌、休閒資原、休閒覺知、發現自我。二、台南地區大專院校體育教師與大學生的休閒教育目標有五個因素被發現:社會技巧、 發現自我、休閒資源、休閒治療與休閒覺知等五個因素。三、台南地區大專院校體育教師與大專學生在休閒教育的認同傾向上有逹顯著差異存在。四、台南地區大專院校體育教師與大學生校園中未來在推動休閒教育的策略之前三名:多提供休閒活動場地、多舉辦休閒活動、融入通識課程中。


The primary purpose of this study was to understand the differences in the perception of the objectives of recreational education between physical education instructors and college students in the Tainan area. The results were intended to serve as a reference and basis for colleges and universities in the development of general education curriculum, physical education curriculum and physical education instruction. A total of 170 physical education instructors and 3,585 students from 20 colleges and universities in the Tainan area were treated as the subjects to undergo a survey and specialist interviews based on a questionnaire of the perception of physical educational objectives in the Tainan area. The data have been analyzed statistically through t-test, item analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of variance. The results of this study are given as follows: 1. The priority list of the objectives of recreational education perceived by college physical education instructors and students in the Tainan Area are: recreational attitude, social interaction, recreational participation, recreational therapy, recreational decision, recreational skill, recreational experience, recreational ethics, recreational taboo, recreational resource, recreational awareness, and self-discovery. 2. The objectives of recreational education perceived by college physical education instructors and students in the Tainan Area are determined by the following five factors: social skill, self-discovery, recreational resource, recreational therapy, and recreational awareness. 3. There are significant differences in the perception of the objectives of recreational education between college physical education instructors and students in the Tainan area. 4. The first three strategies for the promotion of recreational education in colleges and universities in the Tainan Area are to provide more venues for recreational activities, to organize more recreational activities, and to include recreational education in the general education curriculum.
