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Non-chemical Control of Insect Pests in Vegetable Crops


將黃色粘板及水盤平放於豌豆田畦面0cm處,可以同時誘殺大量台灣花薊馬(”F. intonsa”)成蟲、若蟲及番茄斑潛蠅(”L. bryoniae”)成蟲,但距離該誘引物5m及10m處之植株害蟲密度,差異不顯著,每4m放置一個黃色水盤或一片黃色粘板,配合2.8%畢芬寧(Bifenthrin)E.C. 1,000倍使用,可以提高殺蟲劑防治效果,顯示單獨使用黃色水盤或粘板防治斑潛蠅及薊馬,難以達到防治目的,應用藥劑綜合防治則可減少豌豆被害損失。每3天巡視瓜園一次,當發現苦瓜瓜長4-6公分時,以外層為軟牛皮紙內層為黑色模造紙之雙層紙袋或雙層舊報紙套袋,可以防止瓜實蠅(”D. cucurbitae”)危害,增加產量及淨益分別為141及87%;當發現絲瓜瓜長5-7公分時,以白色耐濕紙袋或單層舊報紙套袋,亦可防止瓜實蠅危害,增加產量及淨收益分別為172及146%。以白蘭洗潔精200倍稀釋液於玻璃網室內防治甘藍偽菜蚜(”L. erysimi”),於處理後第6天仍有78.5%之防治效果。以蘇力菌(雙效)2,000倍於塑膠布簡易設施內防治芥藍菜斜紋夜蛾(”S. liture”),施藥後第6天之防治率為100%。


Placing yellow sticky card and water pan at ground level in pea field could simultaneously trapping large amount of adult and larva of ”F. intonsa” as well as the adult of ”L. bryoniae”. There is no significant difference in population density of insect pests between 5 and 10 meter distance apart from trapping treatments. Placing one yellow water pan or one yellow sticky card at 4 m intervals, combined with the application of 2.8% Bifenthrin E.C. 1,000 X could increase trapping effect. It is revealed that use yellos water pan or sticky crad alone for control of ”F. intonsa” and ”L. bryoniae” didn’t have satisfactory result. It must be combined with insecticide for further reduced the insect damage. Bagging the young fruits of bitter gourd when it reached 4-6 cm in length by double layers of paper bag (outer layer is brown kraft paper, inner layer is black simile paper) or double layers of used newspapers for control of ”D. cucurbitae”. It could increase fruit yield and net income by 141 and 87%, respectively. When the fruits of sponge gourd reached 5-7 cm in length, bagging the fruits by white water-proof paper bag or one layer of used paper bag could also prevent the infection of ”D. cucurbitae”. This practice could increase fruit yield and net income by 172 and 146%, respectively. Application of detergent diluted at 200 X solution have 78.5% of control effect on ”L. erysimi” in the glass nethouse at the 6 days after spraying. ”B. thuringiensis” 2,000 X have 100% of control effect on ”S. liture” at 6 days after application in PE film facility.


Non-chemical control Insect pests

