  • 會議論文

女性主題溫泉飯店之規劃設計研究 以礁溪和風凱麗館為例

The Planning and Design of Women's Spa Hotel A Case of Kelly House - Hefong Group


如果礁溪沒了溫泉還剩下什麼? 在這樣的疑慮下,依循著歷史去尋找溫泉之外的礁溪特色。在鄉土作家黃春明的《莎呦娜啦.再見》的短編小說中,黃春明以深入淺出的敘述讓人們在閱讀文字時能夠在腦海中浮現當時的礁溪的樣貌。當時所談論的女性,工作地點是在飯店,是服務業但服務的方向卻不同,最後演變成聲色場所。女性,至今就像是濃妝豔抹的女人變成純樸的姑娘一樣,化妝變成不再是為了工作或者是為了其它而化,化妝增添了她們的自信。 這一路來,因長期被男權所支配著,女性的思想也潛移默化成自己也認同的思維,在這樣根深蒂固的思維下,女性漸漸地找不回屬於她們應有的地位,而大多數的人們也不認同女性就應該是如此。在民國60~70 年代,礁溪因養鰻事業受到日本商人青睞,吸引日本商人前來礁溪視察,進而林立旅館飯店甚至繁衍出「酒番」文化及引進「那卡西」文化,提供來台商人休憩玩樂的場所。在《再見,莎呦哪拉》中描寫著一位在地人被迫帶日本人到礁溪去嫖自己的女性同胞,其內心的衝突與掙扎,文中也深刻的描寫著當時礁溪的光景,礁溪的居民因為這樣的發展而感到蒙羞,不敢抬頭去與他人介紹自己的出身地,甚至只是回家或是去泡湯也會被外人投入異樣的眼光,擁有溫泉是一個好的在地資源卻與情色行業畫上等號。本設計研究所選擇的基地位在礁溪「和風凱麗館」,飯店正面臨著轉型的命運,根據調查顯示,溫泉的溫度沒有以往來的高很有可能會消失,那以溫泉為主要特色的飯店會因為溫泉的消失跟著無法營運,因此,業主希望能夠在礁溪另外找尋當地的特色成為飯店轉型的契機。綜觀前述,礁溪的時空背景以及現今面臨的轉型契機,本研究欲探討並期許達成之研究目的如下:1.探討礁溪溫泉產業下所衍生出的特有文化,以及文化對現今社會與女性所造成的影響。2.回顧女性在礁溪歷史的定位及現代女性所需的住宿空間需求。3.設計實務操作,依據需求擬出最適宜的平面規劃,以及各項2D 圖面之呈現與3D 空間模擬。




Jiaosi is one of three most famous hot spring town located in north-east Taiwan. However, is there anything still attractive related to the tourist industry if this town out of the hot spring. Base on this question, this manuscript follow the famous novel story which named as "Shayounala-goodbye" and written by a famous country writer Huang Chun-ming. Thus, to creative a particular topic or various stories for the local hotel will be the most important issue currently. The practical case employed by this study is Kelly House which is belong Hefong Group. This hotel is in the history turning key point because the hot spring might run out in the near furfure. It means these hotel base on the topic of hot spring will disappear and may bankrupt. Consequently, client is looking for alternative for this local hotel for surviving in this getting competitive market. The main key goals of this study intend to realize as below: 1. Discuss particular culture produced from hot spring industry of Jiaosi together with the its' affection to modern social and women. 2. Review the women status in the history of Jiaosi and the requirement for the modern women's relative hotel space. 3. A case of practical project will be carry out including plan and 3-dimentinn figure will be design and finish for the main purpose mention above.




Wu, S. E. (2017). 設計不同迴轉盤在動態微過濾中流體力學與濾餅形成之解析 [doctoral dissertation, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00175
