  • 學位論文


Applying Market Basket Analysis to Explore Purchasing Behavior of Supermarket Members

指導教授 : 任立中


台灣超級市場業者不僅需面對同業競爭者的壓力,同時也需顧慮到便利商店、量販店及網路購物等的三方包夾競爭。隨著消費者意識抬頭,產品導向的經營方式早已無法滿足消費者的需求並強化消費者忠誠度。對超級市場而言,如何能將龐大的客戶人數進行區隔,進而針對不同的顧客群進行相對適合的行銷活動,在目前競爭如此激烈的市場中更顯重要。以台灣市場而言,目前至超級市場購物的消費者仍以家庭為單位,然每個家庭依照其所處之家庭生命週期,在人口數及生活型態上都會有相當大的差異,進而影響此家庭購物決策者至超級市場的購買行為。 本研究使用台灣知名連鎖超市之資料庫,擷取2009年與2010年之會員資料與會員交易記錄,並以年齡、婚姻狀態與子女數等資訊將樣本會員區分成16個不同的區隔,利用購物籃分析了解各家庭生命週期之購物行為。此外,本研究以超級市場之不同類型分店之顧客交易資料,比較不同類型分店之消費顧客在購買金額,購買次數上是否有明顯差異。再以家庭生命週期方式將各分店會員做劃分,並利用購物籃分析,了解不同家庭階段的顧客於不同型態的超級市場是否有購買行為上的不同。最後研究所得結果,探討不同家庭生命週期之消費者的採購行為,在不同分店中是否具有一致性,並統整結果以供行銷人員做為訂定銷售企劃時之參考。


Considering the abundance of convenient stores, price advantage of the discount stores, and convenience of internet shopping, supermarkets in Taiwan are facing more competitions than just its competitors in the same market. As consumers become more knowledgeble, product-oriented sales strategies will not win the customers’ trust or gain their loyalties anymore. Therefore, identifying customers into the right segments, and deciding sales strategies accordingly is even more important nowadays. This study attempts to understand the purchasing behavior of the supermarket members by using the database of one of the famous supermarket in Taiwan. In this study, members are separated into family life cycle according to their age, marriage status, and number of children. Market basket analysis is used to explore buying behaviors of different family life cycle. Also, by comparing the average frequency, average amount of money spent, and the market basket contents in the different types of stores for different family life cycle, this study is able to understand if the same family life cycle members have the same purchasing behavior. Thus, based on the results of this research, marketers can suggest sales strategies that are more effective.


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