  • 學位論文


A Study of Over-education of College Recent Graduates in Taiwan

指導教授 : 傅祖壇


本論文主要探討高等教育的過度教育之情形以及薪資的關係,研究對象為台灣地區大學畢業後一年的專職工作者。過去多以著重在分析過度教育人數之比例和過度教育與薪資的關係,而判斷是否為過度教育的衡量方式多種,各有優缺點,故本研究以Jensen(2003)的所得面方式衡量,則以潛在薪資與實際薪資的差距做為過度教育的程度指標,再進一步探討過度教育程度之分配差異。 實證結果有以下重要發現:(一)學校類型以技職體系畢業生的薪資表現較差,在所得面上過度教育程度也最高。(二)全部樣本上,過度教育確實對薪資產生負面影響,且隨著學校類型的不同,過度教育對薪資的影響幅度也不同。但男性樣本上,對於過度教育較無顯著情形。(三)而性別會影響薪資,以全部樣本而言,女性薪資顯著低於男性,但以Jensen過度教育指標,男女不存在過度教育程度差異。(四)在校的學習變數會影響薪資也會造成過度教育程度的差異,以科技領域薪資最高,但過度教育程度也最為嚴重。


The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between over-education and wage in higher education of Taiwan. We focus on the college graduates who graduated from college within one year in Taiwan. Most previous over-education studies concentrate on issues of incidence of over-education and its effect on wage. The over-education has been determined by several different measures. This article adopts the income ratio measure proposed by Jensen. It is a degree index of over-education that measures the gap between the potential and actual wage. Empirical findings from our analysis conclude: (1) polytechnic college graduates perform low in wage where their among four school types, degree of over-education tends to be higher than university graduates. (2) The over-education has negative impact on wage, and such effect varies by school type. However, such effect is not significant in male sample. (3) Wage differs by gender. However, it doesn’t make difference between male and female by Jensen over-education index. (4) The learning at school variables will significantly affect wage and the degree of over-education. College graduates in sciences tend to have the highest wage among different fields of graduates, however they also suffer the most serious degree of over-education.


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林世昱(2014)。教育與職業不對稱影響幸福感? 以台灣為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613574817
