  • 學位論文


Research and Development of Social Network Marketing E-commerce Platform

指導教授 : 游張松


人們會根據個人喜好,形成特定的社群,社群乃一群擁有共同嗜好的人群聚而成,拜社群平台所賜,如Facebook、twitter、Line等,現在社群裡成員的交流比起過去更為方便,人們在這些平台上成立粉絲團、同學會、團購團。每個社群裡都會有個團長,他負責管理社群成員,支援團員需求,或是舉辦活動,以及發起群購。 本研究將電子商務平台與社群行銷結合,研究電商平台架構,並發展後台系統,擁有社群魅力商品的供應商,可以利用此平台進行銷售,社群也可以在平台上找到想要的商品。 為了支援店家與社群溝通,本研究發展了前台消費者網頁使用介面、後台供應商模組管理介面、資料庫格式規劃、社群行銷之促銷模組等等,創造了一個社群化電商平台,有別於傳統的電商平台,社群化電商平台更強調”拉”式行銷的效果,目的是將社群內的消費者”拉”進平台內購物。 透過平台的研究與發展,本研究所創造出的價值如下,首先,本研究提出了社群化行銷的商業模式,說明平台的參與者如何在平台上獲得價值。第二,平台的推廣策略,必須先尋找社群團長,並與其分潤,而後尋找供應商,媒合兩者。 結論是,社群商務的概念,必須比傳統電商更加強調行銷的效果。傳統電商是”推”式行銷,店家有產品而後推播廣告;社群商務的特點是”拉”式行銷,也就是說,消費者先有需求,平台才傳送行銷網頁給消費者。社群商務特色是,消費者搜尋與比較都在平台外完成,上來平台的目只有購物,因此平台流量小,但轉換率非常高。再者,社群溝通與分享,都發生在平台之外,所以社群商務平台比傳統的電商平台流量小很多,能減少許多的營運成本,很適合新創業的發展。最後,消費者行為與精準行銷是現在追求的新趨勢,也是大數據發展的目標。社群行銷就具有精準行銷的特質,也就是說,平台是為了社群而發展,比起傳統電商更了解消費者,更有能力做精準行銷。


Based on personal preferences, people meet together and form a particular community. Thanks to the social-medium platform like Facebook, twitter and Line, now people can exchange information faster than before. They create fans clubs, shopping groups, students wills…etc. Each has a community in the head, he is responsible to support the needs of the members, or events, and initiate the group purchase. This study will combine e-commerce platform and community marketing. Study on electronic business platform architecture and development of back-office systems. Suppliers who have the charming commodity can use this platform to sell. Community members can also find the desired product on this social marketing platform. To match the community and suppliers, the present study has developed a community-based business platform. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms, community-based e-commerce platform is more emphasis on "pull" marketing effect. The aim is to pull consumers into this platform and shopping. Followings are the value of this study. First, this study presents the business model of community marketing, and describes all the participants how to get the value through this platform on the internet. Second, to promote this platform, business team must first find the head of the community, and share profit with the head. Then, find the suppliers, matchmaking both. The characteristics of community marketing are as follows: First, the “pull” marketing effect. This is to say, the customers on this platform have needs on the first hand, then the suppliers give some goods to customers. Second, all the consumer behavior like search, evaluation, comparison to other alternatives…, was completed outside this platform. Only “purchase” behavior occurs in this platform. The benefit of this consumer behavior is: social marketing platform does not need too many servers, since the network traffic is low. The conversion rate on this platform is higher than traditional e-commerce platform. Additionally, the cost of servers and electricity is low, which is suitable for the small-scale businesses and innovational entrepreneurship. Finally, the platform is built for community. It has the potential to do the “precision marketing”. Because the platform is born to serve community, it knows customers better than present e-commerce platform. The platform is able to do better precision marketing.


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