  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Feasibility of Business Model of Health Tourism in Taiwan

指導教授 : 江炯聰 張睿詒


中文摘要 : 醫療旅遊(Medical tourism)是指人們因定居地的醫療服務太昂貴或不太完善,所以到國外尋求較相(便)宜的保健服務,結合休閒旅遊而成為一種新產品。健康保健旅遊(Health tourism)包含醫療旅遊(Medical tourism)與保健旅遊(Wellness tourism)兩大部分。本研究以泰國、新加坡、印度暨奧地利為標竿國家並衡量目前我國在健康保健旅遊兩大產業的現況發展。本研究藉由搜尋目前世界各國發展健康保健旅遊的相關文獻暨發展健康保健旅遊的實務做法做標竿暨個案研究,並藉由研討會與會相關議題專家做深度訪談,綜合分析、歸納出我國發展健康保健旅遊的經營策略與成功模式。 本研究的研究目的有四:一.探討台灣適合的國際醫療價值鏈暨發展模式。二.探討台灣適合的保健旅遊價值鏈暨發展模式。三.探討熱門旅遊景點(以恆春半島為例)適合的保健旅遊價值鏈暨發展模式。四.探討台灣健康保健旅遊產業成功模式。 本研究之主要結論與建議如下 : 1.發展醫療旅遊暨國際醫療服務,應選擇我國優勢的服務項目初期以(1)肝臟移植、(2)顱顏手術、(3)心血管外科、(4)人工生殖、(5)關節置換手術等五大強項為首要推動項目。以華語、日語及英語的客源為主,並以華僑為主要推廣目標。 2.發展醫療旅遊暨國際醫療服務,應以重症為主。3.與異業結合,擴大服務深度及廣度:例如結合旅遊業、保險業、觀光飯店業、交通業、國際醫療救援業等。4.醫院若想做好暨發展醫療服務國際化,必須從行銷、接待、住院前、住院中、出院後、回國照護、其他注意事項等價值鏈建立每家醫院自己的特色,並非所有科別都需要做。5.健康保健旅遊(Health tourism)中之保健旅遊(Wellness tourism)亦可學習標竿國家的做法,儘量吸引華裔或中國大陸的客源,配合台灣醫療的強項,健檢暨低侵入性之醫療,與搭配旅遊套餐,是一塊可以努力開發的產業。6.強化我國醫療及旅遊業及各級人員之國際語言能力,以提昇溝通效率、建構醫療與觀光服務網絡等。7.熱門旅遊景點(如恆春半島墾丁國家公園)適合的保健旅遊價值鏈暨發展模式,宜重新規劃,符合更好的獲利且可行的商業模式。8.為降低醫院發展健康保健旅遊與發展國際醫療的成本,避免惡性競爭,達到利益共享的目的,建議醫療業者與旅遊業者聯合組成類似ClubMed之組織,從市場(Marketing)的角度出發,公平地透過此組織來分配各醫院所發展的一至兩個科別的病人或客群,將醫療服務均勻化,而達到利益共享,可能是可以嘗試成功的模式。


Abstract : Wealthy patients from developing countries have long traveled to developed countries for high quality medical care and accompanied with tourism, which is so call “ medical tourism.” Now, a growing number of less-affluent patients from developed countries are traveling to regions once characterized as “third world.” These patients are seeking high quality medical care at affordable prices. An estimated 500,000 Americans traveled abroad for treatment in 2005. Actually, health tourism include medical tourism and wellness tourism. “Medical Tourism” has become one of the star industries that attract much attention because of its business opportunity worth several hundred billion US dollars, esp. in some Asian countries such as Thailand, Singapore and India. The advantages of advanced medical technologies of international standards, reasonable charges, excellent public hygiene environment and natural beautiful tourism resources have prepared Taiwan to declare its determination to become the center of “Medical Tourism” in the world and the best choice of cross-country medical care for international visitors. Taiwan also set up the international technology standards and is highly acclaimed worldwide as below: the hepatic medicine and liver transplant surgery, craniofacial surgery, bone marrow transplantation, microscopic reconstructive surgeries, cardio-vascular disorders and surgery, assisted reproduction and joint replacement, etc. This is an exploratory study on the feasibility of business model of health tourism in Taiwan. The objectives of this study include 1. Appropriate value chain and business model of medical tourism in Taiwan. 2. Appropriate value chain and business model of wellness tourism in Taiwan. 3. Appropriate value chain and business model of clutching on tourism resource : Hospital in a remote but spectacular touring spot.(e.g. Hengchun Tourism Hospital, D.O.H.) 4. The successful model in medical tourism of Taiwan’s health care industry. This thesis propose the appropriate value chain and business models of the medical and wellness tourism in Taiwan and also propose the successful model in medical tourism of Taiwan’s health care industry.


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