  • 學位論文

應用風險管理於建築設計階段– 越 南營建業案例研究

Risk Management in the Phase of Architectural Design in Vietnam

指導教授 : 張陸滿


建築設計階段是使建設項目成功的關鍵階段,滿足車主的需求。這項研究的主要目的是探討參與建築設計階段的風險。同時,研究結果是改善的決策過程中建築設計階段的效率提出了一些建議。從五個案例分析,兩次採訪和一個問卷調查,當中24發現風險四大風險進行了鑑定。四大風險及其可能的解決方案是: 1.設計團隊採用某種形式的在不同的項目中工作時,常規的設計。該解決方案是,設計團隊需要承擔設計任務進行認真評估,並提高他們對不同類型的項目的知識。 2.設計團隊並沒有在概念設計階段的相互定義和語言。該解決方案是,設計團隊需要精心打造了設計和討論的標準形式有關項目的第一次會議上的變化。 在進度3.訂單被改變。該解決方案是,業主需要與分配經理討論或採取從建議專家完成設計任務 4.法律文件進行了更改,而項目的進程。解決的辦法是,政府官員需要與學科討論以獲得有關背景或變更的必要性的反饋。 這項研究已經建立了一個框架,在項目建設過程中的管理架構設計階段的風險。該框架可能是建議為今後的研究和框架適用於其他的設計項目,如城市規劃,土木工程 建設等。此外,這將是顯著如果相關的融資和建設風險可以進一步研究。


風險管理 建築


The architectural design phase is the key phase to make the construction project successful and meets the owner’s requirements. The main objective of this research is to explore risks involved in the architectural design phase. Meanwhile, the study resulted in some recommendations for improving the efficiency of decision making process in architectural design phase. From five cases study, two interviews and one questionnaire, four major risks among the twenty four found risks were identified. The four major risks and their possible solution are: 1. The design team uses some kind of routine design when working on a different project. The solutions are that the design team needs to take a careful assessment on design task and to improve their knowledge on different type of project. 2. The design team doesn’t have a mutual definition and languages in conceptual design phase. The solutions are that the design team needs to build up a standard form of design and discussion carefully about the change in the very first meeting of project. 3. Orders were changed during the progress. The solution is that the Owner needs to discuss with the assignment manager or take suggestion from expert to complete design task 4. Legal documents were changed while project is on process. The solution is that the officer government needs to discuss with disciplines to get a feedback about the background or the necessity of change. This study has built a framework for managing the risks during architectural design phase on a building project. The framework could be recommend for future research and apply the framework to other design projects, such as urban planning, civil construction and so on. Moreover, it would be significant if the associated financing and construction risk could be further studied.


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