  • 學位論文


A Study on the Production and Marketing Coordination of Dounan Town Farmers’ Association from the Perspective of Organizational Economics

指導教授 : 陸雲
共同指導教授 : 陸怡蕙


台灣之地方農會在推動其經濟事業的作法大多為配合當地當季之農產,協助行銷活動或是與農戶實行契作的合作關係,鮮少大規模主導農業生產活動,甚至主動開拓銷售通路。然而,台灣面積狹小且可耕地零碎,因此,不論是生產業者間水平整合,或是產業鏈上的前後端垂直整合,對台灣小規模經營的農業體質來說皆為非常重要的課題。斗南農會在2000年代即開始積極經營其經濟事業,透過不同的策略、組織架構及合作模式解決小農困境。其最特別之處為馬鈴薯是透過綁地耕種之模式而胡蘿蔔則選擇與他地農民契作。斗南農會早於政府一步,操作隱含小地主大佃農精神之綁地耕種策略,得以成功整合農地以利大規模機械化耕種。與他地農民合作之胡蘿蔔契作則是台灣農業上非常少見之跨區成功整合案例。 以組織經濟學作為分析基礎,本研究剖析斗南農會推動經濟事業的相關內部組織架構設計、薪資結構、員工激勵制度以及其銷售策略與重點作物發展策略等。透過解析斗南農會之成功策略與制度設計,進而了解促成斗南農會經濟事業蓬勃發展的關鍵因素。 本研究分析結果顯示,斗南農會在重點作物挑選上選擇可冷藏之作物,使其可以逆季節操作,大幅降低農產品普遍時間專屬性過高問題。在組織設計上,斗南農會雖與其他農會相同,內部結構設計為水平分工,但由供銷部主人統籌管理三個部門,降低了資訊傳遞成本。該農會另外設立田間管理員等職位,強化專業分工。在實行模式上,成立專業的耕種團隊與銷售團隊來進行馬鈴薯的綁地耕種,比政府早一步操作隱含小地主大佃農精神之策略,成功整合農地以利大規模機械化耕種,大幅提高生產效率,解決台灣普遍耕地狹小零碎的問題。生產後的共同運銷則與產銷第十六班合作,可分散資金集中投入之風險。在薪資結構上,特別設計了浮動紅利的薪資結構,大幅加強激勵誘因。在胡蘿蔔契作上則設有安定基金,保障農友受到價格波動的風險。 最後,「斗南模式」之策略操作精神值得參考,本研究因此建議各農會宜檢視內部組織結構是否有有利資訊傳遞及薪資制度是否有激勵誘因等。此外,亦建議政府主管機關需加強產銷班與合作農場之成立門檻,或取消所有對產銷班與合作農場之現金補貼,改以零利率貸款輔助。這樣的轉變可以改變組織誘因,遏止產銷班及合作農場泛濫成立,瓜分資源。


The major strategy for promoting economic performance for local farmers’ associations in Taiwan is to implement contract farming or assisting the seasonal product marketing. Farmers’ associations rarely lead large-scale agricultural production activities. However, given that the arable land is small and fragmental, it is necessary for small-scale farmers to integrate either horizontally or vertically. Since 2000, Dounan farmers’ association has begun to actively operate its economic activities through various strategies, organizational restructuring, and cooperative operation in order to solve the difficulties associated with small-scale, and thus has successfully promoted its operation efficiency. Based on the theory of organizational economics, this study attempts to analyze the internal organization framework, salary structure, employee motivation system, and marketing strategies of major economic crops of the Dounan farmers’ association. The aim of this study is to find out the key factors to the success of Dounan farmers’ association. To sum up, this study found that the internal organization structure assisting efficient information delivery is crucial for the development of farmers’ association in Taiwan. In addition, salary structure which is critical for motivating work incentives needs to be reexamined. Taking the successful strategy undertaken by Dounan farmers’ association as the prototype, Taiwan’s farmers’ associations can create their own economic undertaking. Moreover, one important policy implications drawn from this work is a higher threshold of establishing cooperative farms and agriculture marketing groups is needed to create a healthy atmosphere for successful integration of small-scale farms in Taiwan.


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