  • 學位論文

超越溫州模式: 以商會為主體的經濟導向統合主義

Beyond “Wenzhou Model”: The Pattern of “Economic Orientated Corporatism” Between Local Government and Commerce Chambers In Wenzhou

指導教授 : 朱雲漢


本文從80年代中國經改的熱點「溫州模式」作為討論的起點,試圖將溫州經濟發展與近來熱門的「溫州商會」研究綜合起來,完整的描繪出從溫州經濟興起到溫州商會發展的過程,而問題意識有兩個:第一是溫州商會接續溫州經濟作為溫州發展的下一階段是如何運行的?第二是以溫州商會為主體的經濟導向統合主義(Economic Orientated Corporatism)如何在政企中互動?又該模式可否成為以私營企業為主的一種地方政企模式並且成為另一種典範? 本文先從發展型國家理論開始,對中國地方政企關係理論做綜合評述,包括地方統合主義途徑、產權理論途徑以及新制度論途徑,再輔以恩庇侍從主義及共產商品化理論以及對中國地方政府類別的研究說明溫州不屬於任何一種,以凸顯其特殊性和目前理論的不足;接著在溫州的經濟發展過程的描繪中找出商會出現的經濟性因素,並且說明商會的內部運作機制和外部地位;最後介紹經濟導向統合主義的正式和非正式機制如何讓政府、商會和企業三者間緊密的連結,以及當中各自的制度誘因和理性選擇的動態連結。 本文認為以溫州商會為主所建立的經濟導向統合主義模式最初的起點在於溫州聚落經濟出現危機後對融資和實質資源的需求出現,而中小企業為降低交易成本於是自組商會並透過商會集體力量管理行業以及在商會內部建立企業間關係。而溫州的政企關係之所以可以互動順利除了必須歸功於其固有的民間性和私有產權基礎外,私企和政府尋找彼此經濟意涵上的共識與均衡而促進合作則是主因。此種模式現階段可說是溫州特有的一種經濟利基,相對於其他地區的商會情況,似乎尚未出現這種情形。不過隨著中國私營經濟的蓬勃發展,此種以私企為主的政企模式或許可以被期待成為另一普遍化的理論。 關鍵詞:溫州模式、融資缺乏、商會、經濟導向統合主義、均衡


The paper starts with the “Wenzhou Model”, which is the exemplar of China’s Economic Reform and connect it with the research of “the commerce chambers in Wenzhou” to depict the process from the beginning of Wenzhou’s Economic development to the stages of commerce chambers. There are two arguments: at first, how do the commerce chambers of Wenzhou, which are the next main actors of Wenzhou’s Economic development put into practice? In the second, how does the “Economic Orientated Corporatism” (EOC) work? And whether the model can become another paradigm of local government and private enterprises? In the literature review, this paper discuss with the Local State Corporatism approach, property right approach and the new-institutional approach, using the clientalism, communism commodity theory and the typology of local government of China to emphasize the unique of Wenzhou and the deficiencies of those theories. Finding the economic reason in the presence of chambers and describe the inner institution and outside position of it. Finally, the paper illustrate the formal and informal institution of EOC, which make the local government, chambers and private enterprises “corporate” tightly within differential institutional incentives and rational choices. The paper concludes that EOC, which is mainly constructed on the chambers, depends on the need of material and cost after the crisis of Wenzhou’s cluster economic style. The middle-small enterprises constitute different commerce chambers to lower the transaction costs in managing the line of business and establish relationships with each other in it. The fluent relationship between local government and private enterprises attributes not only to the foundation of private property rights and tradition of civility, but to the government and enterprises have common consensus to cooperate together. Now, the EOC model can be treated as exclusive advantage of Wenzhou, which compared with other regions. However, with the prosperous private economic development in China, the model may become another general theory. Keywords: Wenzhou Model, lack of finance, commerce chambers, Economic Orientated Corporatism, equilibrium


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