  • 學位論文


Study on Climate Change literacy Improvement of High School Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


根據聯合國氣候變遷小組(IPCC)的報告,人類活動是二十世紀以來氣候變遷及暖化加速的主要原因,二氧化碳的排放量對未來的氣候有至關重要的影響。面對無法停止的氣候變遷過程,各國規劃並進行減緩和調適的策略刻不容緩。透過氣候變遷教育,我們可以提升公民的氣候變遷素養。透過對氣候變遷科學知識的深化、態度的建立與技能的熟悉,得以使人民對氣候變遷理解、危機感、關心進而願意參與,甚至有能力主導氣候變遷的減緩、調適策略。因此,在基本教育中提升人民氣候素養,對於促進公眾參與和支援氣候變遷因應行動至關重要。這不但是一種對公民的培力,同時也是支持巴黎協議並有效落實國家自定預期貢獻(INDC)的重要參與方法。 本研究以教育部委託世新大學發展的氣候變遷調適素養檢測問卷作為主要研究工具,共分為認知、態度及行動與技能素養三個主構面,並以松山高中三個年級的學生作為檢測對象,檢測結果並與全國高中學生施測所得到的結果進行比較與討論,並以高二學生為對象進行氣候變遷素養提升計畫。研究結果顯示進行氣候變遷素養提升計畫之課程對高中生氣候變遷的素養有提升效果,以行動與技能素養最為顯著。本研究的結果將有助於未來各級學校推動氣候變遷教育時的落實及進行。


氣候變遷 素養 減緩 調適 認知 態度 行動與技能


According to IPCC AR4 and AR5, human activities is the most important reason of the climate change and the acceleration of the global warming since the twentieth century. The emission of the CO2 has tremendous effect on future climates. Facing the unstoppable climate changing process, all countries have to develop strategies to deal with the upcoming challenges. By educating the students on the importance of the climate change, we can rise the literacy of the citizen on climate change. With detailed understanding on knowledges of climate change, people will understand the importance of the climate change, care about it, and may be more willing to participate on the protection of the environment, even able to voice strongly at the policy level. Therefore, it is important to teach climate change at school. This not only increases people's understanding on this issue, but also an important act to support the Paris Accord. This research is based on the questionnaire designed by Shih-Hsin University. There are three main topics: knowledge, attitudes, and action and skill. The test body is from three years students from Song-Shang Senior High School, and the result is also compared with the result from the high school students from the whole country. The promotion plan implements on the second-year students . The result shows that the climate change related courses increase the climate change literacy of the students significantly, especially on action and skill. The result from this study will help schools at all levels on climate change related educations.


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