  • 學位論文


A Corpus-based Study on the Dynamics of Metaphor in Mandarin Interactive Discourse

指導教授 : 呂佳蓉


本論文致力於彌補隱喻研究中方法論和理論上的不足。就方法論而言,它補充了隱 喻在言談分析裡的研究,因為目前這樣的研究是少見的。就理論貢獻而言,為了捕捉隱 喻語言真正的動態本質,我們以"即時且當下(online)"的互動言談文本裡的隱喻為研究對象,期望能全面瞭解隱喻的使用。隱喻是語言和思維同時互動下的產物。也就是說,我們提議"即時且當下"的互動關係對隱喻的實現有極大影響,而這樣的議題需要被獨立研究。根據Cameron等人2009的理論架構──言談動態方法,我們試圖分析並尋找潛藏於"互動式言談"底層,隱喻使用的動態系統。 此論文有三個研究問題。第一,在"即時性"互動言談裡所呈現的隱喻如何反映出思 維與語言的處理/產出過程背後的動態系統?第二,不同的言談主題對於隱喻使用的類 型之間的關係,是否有相似或相異處?第三,慣用性和隱喻的動態使用如何互相關連? 本論文的研究方法同時是以語料庫為根據(corpus-driven)來看隱喻,也是以研究議題為依據從語料庫看隱喻(corpus-based)。我們將本論文的研究結果和討論於兩個章節中闡述。第四章討論隱喻在互動言談裡的本質和其複雜結構,並且比較跨言談主題文本對隱喻使用形態的相同點或相異處。如果將言談文本的主題視為一個變數,它允許了對研究結果有更多的比較。雖然本論文的言談語料庫是以有系統的方式蒐集而成,但不同主題的對話可以有所比較,而且每個個別言談中的差異也值得注意。另一方面,從社會學的角度來看,由於慣用性對隱喻的作用仍是個未解的議題,故本論文第五章提出了一套方法論(即對照固有字典和現存的概念隱喻清單等)來區辨慣用程度,並觀察其如何實踐於不同種類的隱喻,以及探討兩者(慣用性和隱喻)的互相關連。我們的研究結果顯示慣用的隱喻生產性較低或者缺乏動態表現,相較於系統性隱喻(systematic metaphor)的使用和非慣用的隱喻。同時在這兩個章節中,我們也會提出討論並指出跟隱喻使用相關的語用功能和社會文化的動機,並更進一步解釋影響隱喻表現出現頻率的原因。 總結而言,透過研究互動言談裡隱喻的使用方式,本論文提供了觀察隱喻表現所需 的一個動態觀點。這樣的觀點強調隱喻的系統性,互動性,和社會認知功能。除此之外,我們提出對談者的互動與言談主題對隱喻的出現也有影響。也就是說,只在靜態文本裡分析隱喻並不足以說明語言、概念、和社會文化系統的不同層次。而隱喻是在這些不同層次中經歷無數次的語言處理和產出這樣不斷循環中表現出來。最後,值得一提的是本論文是第一個企圖在互動式和半自然的中文言談文本中,在無限變因之中,企圖找出任何與隱喻使用有系統性相關的研究。本論文主張並支持在互動式言談中更可看出隱喻具有動態本質,釐清其做為思維機制的表現。


This study aims to bridge methodological and theoretical gaps in the study of metaphor.Methodologically, it supplements the discourse analytic studies on metaphor which are less tackled. Theoretically, to grasp the authentic and dynamic nature of metaphorical language, metaphor is proposed to be examined in on-line interaction so that we can fully understand its use, which is a product of both language and thought. That is, we propose on-line interaction is effective to actual realization of metaphor, which requires independent investigation. Based on Cameron et al’s (2009) framework, Discourse Dynamic Approach, we analyze the dynamic systems found underlying the target interactive discourse here. There are three research questions in this study. First, how does metaphor in on-line interaction show the dynamic systems behind the processing and production of speech and thought? Second, how do patterns of metaphorical use across discourse genres reflect the similarities and differences of metaphor in talk? Third, how does conventionality correlate with the dynamic use of metaphor? The results and discussions are explicated in two chapters. Chapters 4 discusses the nature and complex structures of metaphor in interactive discourse, as well as comparison and contrasts of patterns of metaphorical use across discourse genres. Discourse genre is a dependent variable that allows additional comparison and contrasts of the results. The method is both corpus-driven and corpus-based. In addition, although the corpus is systematically collected to enable comparison across talks, the variations represented by individual discourses still deserve due attention.From the social level, since conventionality in metaphor remains an unresolved issue, Chapter 5 proposes methodologies (dictionary and list of conceptual metaphors) to discriminate how conventionality is realized among different types of metaphor and their correlations. It reveals a pattern that conventionalized metaphors are less productive or dynamic, as compared to systematic and novel ones. In both chapters, the pragmatic functions and social-cultural motivations for the use of metaphor are proposed and discussed to further explain the occurrences or absence of metaphorical expressions. In conclusion, this study implies a dynamic perspective to metaphor that emphasizes its systematicity, interaction, and socio-cognitive functions by investigating metaphorical use in interactive discourse. Not only that, speaker interaction and discourse genre are proposed to be effective to occurrences of metaphor. In other words, textual analyses on metaphor are not enough to represent various levels of linguistic, conceptual, and social-cultural systems that bring about metaphor from continuous cycles of processing and production. Last but not least, this is a first attempt to search for any systematic patterns of metaphor in use among limitless variations in interactive and semi-naturalistic discourse.


Ministry of Education Re-edit Mandarin Chinese Dictionary Revised Version (Jiao Yu Bu
cogling mailing list, archived at
=4198, last accessed on October 20, 2009.
Cameron, L. (2002). Metaphors in the learning of science: a discourse focus. British
Cameron, L. (2003). Metaphor in educational discourse. London: Continuum.
