  • 學位論文


Mobile Network Operator's Strategy to Mobile Advertising

指導教授 : 游張松


摘要 行動電話運營商們(Mobile Network Operators; MNOs)與行動網際網路相關業者兩造原本是“井水不犯河水”。然因時空背景、主客觀情勢的改變,使得原本經營環境封閉的MNOs在面臨成本增加、ARPU及利潤減少情況下,正亟思以數據加值服務來提升ARPU及增加利潤。於是MNOs大幅投資於行動數據傳輸頻寬(速率)的改善,行動網際網路服務品質乃大幅提升,具上網能力之智慧型手機(Web-Enabled Smart Phone)也應運而生,使得行動網際網路相關產業快速地蓬勃發展。但改善的頻寬也促使行動網際網路相關業者將其作為提供上網者加值服務的免費通道。由於行動網際網路相關業者其商業模式的基本運作邏輯是提供免費或部份免費的加值服務來吸引上網訪客,其主要營收來源則為在行動網際網路上露出的“行動廣告”;此與MNOs欲以加值服務為加強營收之著力點形成衝突。 本研究從MNOs的觀點,以「價值創造循環(Value Creation Cycle; VCC) 理論」分析智慧型手機 出現前後,行動廣告之產業價值鏈及商業模式的變化。智慧型手機出前,MNOs主導整個行動廣告產業價值鏈,並藉由用戶數的增加及用戶資料的掌握形成其VCC。智慧型手機出現後,打破了MNOs與行動網際網路相關業者間的“楚河漢界”,且使得兩造在“行動廣告”上有了交集,形成彼此在行動廣告產業價值鏈上既是競爭者也是互補者!由研究中發現行動廣告產業價值鏈上的某些角色進而以創新的商業模式整合產業價值鏈上其他的角色,進而主導整個行動廣告產業價值鏈而形成其VCC,例如:Apple及Google等業者整合“手機(商)”、“廣告媒合平台(商)”及“行動(入口)網站”形成行動廣告產業價值鏈上的「三合一」競爭者。行動廣告原本非為MNOs之主要本業,亦非主要營收來源;唯面對「三合一」競爭者,MNOs除了在行動廣告產業價值鏈上被邊緣化外,更面臨加值服務營收被嚴重地排擠、網路壅塞及建設成本的增加、客戶滿意度下降、數據資費無法提升外,還需花費更多補貼「三合一」競爭者之智慧型手機的費用,使得MNOs整體經營陷入惡性循環的困境! 本研究以MNOs之觀點,從研究「三合一」競爭者的創新商業模式下之行動廣告產業價值鏈及其衍生之VCC着手,深刻剖析競爭環境,客觀審度內部核心資源及外部網路資源,歸納出MNOs在行動廣告競爭環境中之優勢與劣勢。以優勢而言,MNOs掌握有用戶相關資料(User Profile Database/DW/CRM)、頻寬(Bandwidth)、伺服器/機房等設備、客服中心、手機補貼/各式優惠方案、直營及加盟通路、Triple Play(三網合一)及全球行動電話運營商之結盟組織及漫遊合作條約等籌碼。就劣勢而言,MNOs不具廣告平台專業技術及相關業務經驗,其行動入口網站屬封閉型(Portal of “Walled Garden”)且加值服務需收費等。本研究認為MNOs應依歸納之優勢與劣勢,據以思考在行動廣告產業的定位與展望以作為突破本業整體經營困境的因應策略並開創屬於自己的VCC。故本研究進而為「MNOs之行動廣告策略」提出如下建議:充份利用MNOs擁有之優勢,同時改進或避開劣勢,尋找任何可避免其在行動廣告產業價值鏈中被邊緣化的機會,採取合縱連橫運作,積極介入行動廣告產業價值鏈中的每一環節,期創造並累積新的優勢,以突破「三合一」競爭者的創新商業模式帶來的本業整體經營困境。 為能具體落實擬定之策略,本研究亦規劃二階段的執行步驟:第一階段乃藉由行動電話運營商現有優勢,尋求與行動廣告產業價值鏈上的非「三合一」競爭者合作,以創造及累積新的優勢,重新在行動廣告產業價值鏈上扮演積極角色,藉以突破目前整體經營困境並作為日後與「三合一」競爭者談判合作之籌碼,例如:提供目標顧客精準行銷的行動廣告服務(對廣告主的推力);提供用戶現金、獎品或通話費折抵等獎勵(Rewarding)措施以吸引用戶觀看行動廣告(對用戶之拉力);善用掌控頻寬之優勢及獨有門號(MSISDN)資源以尋求策略聯盟夥伴創造雙贏;利用行動電話運營商間之漫遊夥伴關係,以拓展海外行動廣告業務等。在進行第二階段時,則接觸「三合一」競爭者,採取合縱連橫戰術,藉以開創屬於MNOs的VCC。 例如:行動電話運營商可利用擁有之伺服器及機房設備,向「三合一」競爭者承攬地區性主機代管(Co-Location)業務,積極介入行動廣告之雲端運算(Cloud Computing)。由於智慧型手機及平板電腦(內含SIM卡)的日益普及,亦應有助於MNO承作此主機代管業務的機會。


Abstract The Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and the related Internet entrepreneurs, both parties were like two parallel lines originally. Due to the changes of time, subjective and objective circumstances, the MNOs are obliged to confront with the increase of the running cost, the decrease of APRU and profit. Therefore they are aggressively attempting to run the Value-Added Service (VAS) to upgrade APRU and increase the profit. Since the transmission speed of Mobile Network is dramatically improved by MNOs’ huge investment to the satisfactory standard of QoS (Quality of Service) which gives rise to the debut of Web-Enabled Smart Phone and makes the Mobile Internet burgeoning. The improved bandwidth also has become the free channel for the related Internet entrepreneurs to provide the VAS to user. Basically the related Mobile Internet entrepreneurs’ business model is to offer totally free or partially free VAS to attract the users to visit their Mobile Portals, and their incomes are primarily from the Mobile Advertising by use of the Smart Phone’s effective performance. There is a conflict between MNOs’ business model and the related Internet entrepreneurs’ business model. Based on the theory of Value Creation Cycle (VCC), the thesis is from MNOs’ points of view majorly to discuss how the related transformation of the Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Advertising and the business models before and after the debut of Smart Phone . Before the debut of Smart Phone on the market, the MNOs dominated the whole Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Advertising and create VCC based on increment of users and grasp of User Profile Database. Nevertheless, the debut of Smart Phone on the market breaks the boundary between the MNOs and the related Mobile Internet entrepreneurs. It results in the new intersection in the field of Mobile Advertising for two parties. Nowadays, the two parties become not competitors, but complementary roles in the Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Advertising. The study shows the player who integrates the other players will help lead to dominate the whole Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Advertising. to create her own VCC. Taking the Apple and Google as examples, they integrate the Smart Phone (manufacturers), the intermediary gather platform for Mobile Advertising, and the Mobile Portal into a three-in-one strong competitor. The Mobile Advertising was neither MNOs’ main business nor major income, but what the MNOs suffer from is not only seriously edged out of the Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Advertising, but also the lost of VAS revenue, the increasing traffic jam and construction cost for the Mobile Network, the increasing of users’ complains and the increasing subsidiary fee of Smart Phone. All of these pressures compel the MNOs’ head line to be trapped into an unfavorable predicament cycle when running the whole business. Moreover, the thesis also takes a further analysis on the competition background and objectively censors the inside core resources and outside resources of the MNOs. After the in-depth assay, the weakness and strength of MNOs among competition in view of the MNOs’ competitors are induced. For the strength, MNOs holds the chips which include User Profile Database/DW/CRM, bandwidth, servers/Engine Room, Call Center, subsidiary fee of handset/users acquisition program, sales channels, Triple Play and alliance organization for MNOs worldwide, etc. For the weakness, MNOs lack knowhow for both technology and business regarding the intermediary gather platform for Mobile Advertising, so-called Portal of “Walled Garden” and payment VAS, etc. Based on the induced strength and weakness, the thesis considers the positioning and prospect of the MNOs to resolve the difficult situation for MNOs in the whole condition of business and create her own VCC. “The MNO’s strategy to Mobile Advertising” is proposed in the thesis:“leverage the strength to improve or keep away from the weakness of MNO, avoiding the possibility of being the outer edge of Industry Value Chain of Mobile Advertising, taking the vertical and horizontal union, actively participating in every joint of Industry Value Chain of Mobile Advertising to create the new strength and accumulate them, break through the predicament caused by three-in-one competitor’s innovational business model.”. To realize the proposed strategy, the thesis recommends MNOs to go with the schemed strategy as well as the 2-stage planning as stated in the thesis. At first stage, cooperate with the non three-in-one competitor to create new strength and accumulate them in order to replay the aggressive role in the Industry Value Chain of Mobile Advertising. Meantime, MNOs can break through the predicament when running the whole business and have the chips to negotiate with three-in-one competitors. Second, MNOs should negotiate and cooperate with three-in-one competitor by taking the vertical and horizontal union to successfully create MNOs’ own VCC.


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陳泳睿(2015)。以價值創造循環建造線束加工製造業服務化 —使用網路平台科技〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00623
