  • 學位論文


Empirical Analysis of Training Programs Among Farm Women in Taiwan:The Implication of Rural Regeneration Act

指導教授 : 張宏浩
共同指導教授 : 官俊榮(Jerome Geaun)


由於臺灣經濟快速發展與產業結構的改變,農村年輕勞動人口大量外移,導致農業生產與經營面臨勞動短缺與發展停滯的困境。立法院於2010年7月通過農村再生條例,目的在於改善農村社區長期發展停滯的問題,基於農村社區能長期有效地自我運作,在地人力資源培訓最為重要,並明文指出農村再生計畫前,應先接受培根計畫相關培訓課程的訓練。因此,農村社區參與培訓課程之意願成為農村再生計畫成敗的關鍵,且近年農村社區女性從事自家農牧業工作減少比例明顯高於男性,因而本研究以農家婦女為研究對象,並且以普遍存在各縣市之推廣、培訓課程的四健會、農村家政班、媽媽教室、婦女會與農業產銷班作為培訓班研究標的,探討何種因素會影響婦女參加培訓班之意願,期望將原先沒有意願參加者,增加參加意願。 然而,國內文獻對於農家婦女勞動參與或培訓課程參與僅著重在農村生活描寫或是組織學習成效與改善機構障礙,且研究方法多以個案研究或是質性研究等小樣本資料進行分析,其代表性較為不足且無法獲得具體影響效果。因此,本研究以具全國代表性的2003年農家戶口抽樣調查作為實證資料,利用Multivariate Probit Model分析農家婦女時間分配對於參加培訓班意願的影響。 實證結果發現農家婦女自身教育程度、農家經營者教育程度與家中未滿十五歲人口數對於農家婦女參與培訓班意願為負向效果,並且有配偶的農家婦女參與意願顯著高於無配偶的婦女。在農場特徵部分,耕地面積越大,則增加農家婦女參與農業技能培訓班意願,但是相對於其他作物,倘若農家以休閒(耕)為主要經營項目,則降低農業技能培訓班參加意願。另外,有從事農場內工作有助於提高培訓班參加意願,但家務工作則減少參加意願;最後,顯著影響城市與鄉村農家婦女培訓班參加意願之因子並無明顯差異。


Due to the economic growth and the changes in industrial structure, one of the most crucial challenge of the rural village economy today is the lack of labor force. Because the relatively disadvantages in farm income and the increased opportunity in higher education, young generations have migrated to urban area and work for the nonfarm works. In order to improve the long-run rural development, the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan has passed the Rural Regeneration Act in July, 2012. The policy goal of this program is to provide a better rural environment in order to attract young generation to stay on the farm. The objective of this study is to estimate the willingness of training program participation for farm women among Taiwan. A great deal of rural development study has devoted to the labor supply of farm women. However, little attention has been paid to understanding the need of the farm women regarding the job training programs. This study contributes to the issue of farm women by focusing on the time allocation between training programs participation where time allocation can be distributed to on-farm work, off-farm work and unpaid housework. Using a national representative dataset of farm women, the Taiwan Agricultural and Husbandry Sampling data in 2003, we estimate a multivariate probit model to examine the extent to which socio-demographic characteristics, family condition, farm field condition, geographical heterogeneity and time allocation are associated with the training programs in each of the activity of farm women. Results indicate that human capital and the number of children of the family farms have negative effects on the likelihood of participating in the training programs, and married farm women have more likely to join the training programs participation than their counterparts of the unmarried women. Farm women who live in the farms entitled of larger land would spend more time on training program. If farm women engage in on-farm work, they would invest more time in training programs; however, if farm women do housework, they would spend less time on training programs. Finally, no evidence is found regarding the effect of female labor supply on training programs between city and urban areas.


