  • 學位論文


The phenomenon of Primary School Teachers' Alienation and the De-alienation through their Creative and Reflective Thinking

指導教授 : 洪鎌德


摘要 相較於其他行業,老師是自主性較高的職業,但仔細觀察教師的工作環境與內涵,卻發現教師大部分時間都是在孤立的教室空間中,日復一日的執行瑣碎的工作。 這樣的情境就如同生產線上的工人,不需與他人較多的互動,只須規律重複的完成手中制式化的工作。 除此之外,就教育的大環境來看,教師雖然身處第一線,最瞭解學生的狀況與需求,但面對政策的制定時,教師並沒有影響政策的能力,許多教師認為:政府制定教育政策時,一意孤行,沒有與教師團體進行完善的協商,造成教師淪為上級階層所制訂政策的執行者,當對於執行的政策並不知其然也就無法有內心深處的認同。 本文試圖先透過馬克思異化的觀點,探討教師的工作,先就教師工作應然的本質為出發點,再從教師工作的實然來分析,瞭解專業與角色之間的落差,以探討異化的來源。 此外,一位教師的養成是從師資培育的機構開始,探討教師的異化的成因,應溯及教師之初師資培育時期,進而談論至教學現場的實質內容與文化,以及現今社會氛圍的轉變,來瞭解異化的形成,並在這當中為教師異化找尋突破的可能。最後透過與台灣師資培育系統相似的法國為比較,他山之石來為台灣的異化現象找尋可能的出路。


Abstract Comparing to other professions, the teacher is highly independent of the occupation. Nevertheless, a closer look to the environments and contents of teachers’ work, it is found that most of the teachers implement trivial and monotonous work isolated in the classrooms day after day. Just like a worker in a production line, teachers interact with less people and only need to finish repeated the formatted jobs at hand. In addition, perspective on educational environment, teachers are in the front line and with the best understanding of students’ situation and requirement. However, teachers can’t affect the policy formulation. Many teachers believe that: the government legislated for educational policies willfully without consulting with teacher groups. It caused the teachers to reduce to executors of policies for superior class, when they implemented the policies with no thorough understanding and then there can’t agree sincerely. This paper wants to probe into teachers’ work by Marx’s alienation view. At first, starting form the certain substance of teachers’ work, and then analyzing the realities of teachers’ work. Study the sources of alienation by understanding the differences between profession and role. Furthermore, the cultivation of teachers was begun from the teacher education institution. In order to explore the causes of alienation, one should trace back to the beginning of the teacher cultivation. Next, discuss the real contents and culture and transition of social to understand the form of alienation and find the breakthrough of teacher alienation. Finally, find the way out of the teacher alienation of Taiwan by comparing the France education system.


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