  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of the National travel card Polticis on Domestic torism expenditure of civic servants household

指導教授 : 連賢明


政府於 2003 年1 月1 日起實施國民旅遊卡政策,此項政策主要滿的,在於促進公務員家庭國內旅遊消費支出,本研究主要探討目的,即為瞭解在本項政策實施後,是否真能使持卡人(公務員)所屬家庭國內旅遊消費支出有所增加,在實際做法上,本研究採用行政院主計總處提供的《台灣地區家庭收支調查》,從中擷取自1999 年至2006 年共計8 年,合計約11 萬筆台灣地區家庭收支調查資料,並以差異中的差異(Difference In Difference DID)為其計量方式進行驗證。 本研究以公務員家庭為實驗組、軍人教師家庭、勞工家庭為控制組,同時依家庭人口數多寡再行細分為單身組家庭、OR 組家庭及AND 組家庭,以期所得實證結果能適用於各種情況,所進行的DID 迴歸其結果如下:首先,無論是以軍人教師家庭,或勞工家庭為控制組,DID 結果均顯示為正且多數情況下統計水準均顯著,代表國民旅遊卡政策確有提高公務員國內家庭旅遊消費支出之效果,其次,雖然DID 均顯示為正,然而以軍人教師家庭為控制組時,其DID 相對於以勞工家 庭為控制組時較小。另外,若以職業穩定的勞工家庭為控制組時,其DID 相對於以行業穩定的勞工家庭為控制組時來得小,最後,在國民旅遊卡政策實施後,對於其他非家庭國內旅遊消費支出如食、衣、住、行等民生必需消費支出,其增減及幅度不一,惟多數情況下的統計水準並不顯著。


The main purpose of this policy is to promote domestic tourism spending household servants,this study focuses on the purpose is to understand after the implementation of thispolicy, whether it enables domestic family tourism spending of the cardholder (civil servants)has increased. On practice, the study use "Family Income and Expenditure Surveyin Taiwan" Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics provided fromcapture from 1999 to 2006 a total of eight years, a total of about 11 million transactctionsTaiwan household income and expenditure survey data, and use differentiate the difference (Difference In Difference DID) to validate its measurement methods。In this study, the civil service family as the experimental group, the military and the teachers family, the labors families as the control group, while according to family size amount of re-subdivided Single group home, the OR group family and AND Group family, to the resulting empirical results can be applied to a variety of circumstances, DID carried regression results are as follwos:first, Whether it is the service family as the experimental group, the military and the teachers family, the labors families as the control group, DID results showed positive and in most cases were significant statistical level,on behalf of National Travel Card policy does have the effect of improving the civil service domestic tourism consumption expenditure of households, second, Although DID are shown as positive, but with the military family and the teachers family as control group, its relatively small DID to the labor family as the control group, In addition, if the labor family of job stability as the control group, which DID relatively stable to the labor family of industry stability as control group. last, After the National Travel Card policy implementation, for other non-family domestic tourism spending, such as food,clothing, shelter, and livelihood necessary for consumer spending, increase or decrease its amplitude varies, but in most cases, the statistical standards are not significant.


韓幸紋.連賢明(2008), “降低部分負擔對幼兒醫療利用的影響:以北市兒童補助計劃為例”,《經濟論文叢刊》,國立台灣大學。
