  • 學位論文


The Effect of Social Workers’ Gender Consciousness on Their Attitudes towards Assessing Single Fathers’ and Mothers’ Needs

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


家庭是社會組成的基本形式之一,然而家庭結構的變遷是許多已開發國家都將面對的挑戰,西方國家正面臨著由傳統家庭結構轉變為新興家庭結構的過程,臺灣也同樣處在著這股家庭變遷的趨勢之中,而且不論歐美或臺灣,單親家庭都是在這股家庭結構變遷中成長最快速的家庭型態。不過相較於其他歐美國家,臺灣的單親家庭呈現出特有的樣貌,在臺灣,有超過四成的單親家長是男性,不同於歐洲及美國,男性單親家長的比例只占了一到兩成。然而國內卻有許多文獻資料指出,臺灣的單親家庭服務及單親議題已被女性化看待,而國外則有研究指出:當問題被「性別化」看待的時候,社會工作者的預估便會出現性別差異。研究者所擔心的是,社會工作者作為單親家庭福利服務輸送最重要的媒介體,當國外許多實證研究已不斷證實性別因素對單親家庭服務的影響時,臺灣在這個議題的重視卻如此貧乏。 是故,本研究將著眼於服務服務輸送過程的性別議題,探討社會工作者性別意識對單親家庭需求預估的影響,本研究之目的包括:(一)比較社會工作者對不同性別單親家長需求預估態度的差異情形;(二)比較不同背景因素社會工作者之性別意識差異情形;(三)瞭解社會工作者性別意識對不同性別單親家長需求預估態度的影響;(四)期望研究發現作為單親家庭服務之參考,並引發國內學術研究、社會工作專業教育以及實務工作者對單親家庭服務之性別議題的關注。 本研究以郵寄問卷方式進行資料蒐集,採立意抽樣選擇以家庭為服務對象之社會工作場域(機構)的社會工作者作為研究對象,針對我國五直轄市(臺北市、新北市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市)之單親家庭服務中心、區域性家庭福利服務中心、區域社會福利服務中心之社工員及督導員進行普查。研究者總計發出486份問卷,回收275份,回收率為56.6%,其中有效問卷為257份,有效率為93.5%。 調查所得資料研究者以IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0(Windows版本)進行統計分析,本研究之主要發現如下:(一)社會工作者對單親家長需求程度預估的結果與單親家庭調查結果相近。(二)社會工作者對不同性別單親家長之需求預估態度有差異,社會工作者普遍認為女性單親家長的福利需求程度高於男性單親家長的福利需求程度。(三)社會工作者的性別意識較傾向於支持性別平等。(四)社會工作者的性別認同分化情形以「已分化」所占比例最高。(五)社會工作者的性別意識會因為其性別不同、婚姻狀態不同、經常服務對象不同、服務組織特性不同、服務單位不同、以及是否曾閱讀過性別議題相關書籍之經驗,而有所差異;且社會工作者的年紀越大、子女數越多、服務資歷越長,其性別意識越傳統。(六)社會工作者的子女數越多、年齡越長,其性別認同分化情形會越明顯(已分化及兩性化的比率增加);而閱讀過性別議題相關書籍的經驗,也會讓社會工作者的性別認同分化情形越明顯(已分化的比率增加)。(七)社會工作者對不同性別單親家長需求預估態度之落差,與其出生年代、最高學歷及服務單位類別有所相關;且認為不同性別單親家長就業服務需求有差異的社會工作者,其性別意識較為傳統。(八)社會工作者的性別認同情形越傾向於未分化,其越傾向於認為不同性別之單親家長的需求是沒有差異的(九)社會工作者的出生年份越大(年紀越小)、服務於單親家庭福利服務中心(相較於區域社會福利服務中心)、性別認同為已分化及兩性化(相較於未分化),其認定不同性別單親家長之整體需求有差異的可能性越大。(十)社會工作者為女性、出生年份越大(年紀越小)、性別意識越傳統、性別認同為兩性化(相較於未分化),其認定不同性別單親家長之就業服務需求有差異的可能性越高。 最後,研究者依據上述研究發現與結論,從個人面、機構面、教育面及政策面提供單親家庭服務之相關建議。


The western countries and Taiwan are facing a transformation of family structure from the traditional into alternative family forms, and the percentage of single-parent family has increased rapidly in past decades. Compared to other western countries, single-parent families in Taiwan show their distinguishing characteristic. In Taiwan, there are more than 40% of single parents are male, unlike in Europe and the United States, the proportion of male single parents is less than 20 percent. Moreover, there are many domestic literature indicated that the issue and services of single-parent families have been feminized in Taiwan. Additionally, foreign researches indicated that: when a problem is treated as a male or female issue at the time, social workers will be expected to do their assessment with gender bias. What I worried about is that many empirical studies have continued to demonstrate an impact of gender factor on the single-parent family services but the emphasis on this issue is so poor in Taiwan. Therefore, the propose of this study aimed to examine the effect of social workers’ gender consciousness on their attitudes towards assessing single fathers’ and mothers’ needs, and expected to lead domestic academic research, professional education and social work practitioners focus on gender issues in single-parent families services. In this study, mailed questionnaires survey method was mainly applied, purposively sampled 486 social workers and supervisors, who worked at an organization or service center serving for families, in the five municipalities (Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung City). 275 questionnaires were returned (56.6%), of which 257 valid questionnaires, the effective rate was 93.5%. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) Social workers’ attitudes towards assessing single fathers’ needs are distinguishing from single mothers’ needs, and social workers generally believe that the level of social welfare needs of female single parents is higher than male single parents. (2) Social workers’ gender consciousness inclined to support gender equality. Gender role identity of "typed" of social workers occupied the highest proportion. (3) Social workers’ different sex, marital status, regular clients, organizational characteristics, workplaces, and the experience of reading books of gender issues have significant correlation in the gender consciousness of social workers. (4) Social workers’ numbers of children, age, and the experience of reading books of gender issues have significant correlation in the gender role identity. (5) Social workers’ had different attitudes towards assessing single fathers’ and mothers’ needs, and their birth-year, academic background, and workplaces have related; and considers gender differences in the needs of employment services, social workers’ have more traditional gender consciousness. (6) Social workers’ gender role identity is more likely undifferentiated, more inclined to think there’s no difference of needs between single fathers and mothers. (7) Social workers, who were younger, worked at single-parent family service centers, had “typed” or “androgynous” gender role identity, had greater odds to assess single fathers’ needs distinguishing from single mothers’ needs. (8) Social workers, who were women, were younger, had more traditional gender consciousness, and had “androgynous” gender role identity, had greater odds to assess single fathers’ needs of employment services distinguishing from single mothers’ needs. Based on these findings, suggestions for practitioners, educators, and policy makers were made to offer better services for single parents.




