  • 學位論文


Scheler's Foundation of Ethics: a phenomenological ethics of non-formal values and persons

指導教授 : 關永中


本論文考察德國現象學家馬克斯.謝勒(Max Scheler, 1874-1928)的倫理學思想,而重心在於他如何奠定其倫理學的基礎,以及他倫理學學說的基本含義。研究的主要文本乃是他倫理學的核心作品:《倫理學中的形式主義與實質的價值倫理學:一門倫理位格論的新嘗試》。由於謝勒聲稱他的研究方法以現象學為本,因此首先要釐清的是,謝勒所理解的現象學為何,它為什麼又能夠研究倫理問題。謝勒倫理學的兩大基礎是價值論與位格論,這兩者的內容及其間的關聯,又如何能夠為倫理學給出一個可靠的基礎?接著本文將解釋謝勒的價值論與位格論所引發的三個基本論題:客觀又專屬個人的善、道德相對性、與倫理共契原理。結論處則會將指出謝勒倫理學需要什麼樣的進一步研究與拓展。


This thesis shall clarify how the German phenomenologist Max Scheler (1874-1928) attempts to give his ethics a thorough foundation, and how this foundation gives view to peculiar problems of ethics. The main focus of this investigation, of course, is his most important work, Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik. Neuer Versuch der Grundlegung eines ethischen Personalismus. Since Scheler asserts that his ethics is based on phenomenology, the author shall first provide a brief outline of Scheler's understanding of phenomenology. Then he shall explain how Scheler uses phenomenology to display the two main concepts of his ethics, "value" and "person", and work out how their internal relationship could provide a foundation for ethical investigations. Finally, the thesis shall explain how the two concepts bring the following problems into view: the objective individual good, the relativity of morals, and the principle of solidarity. In the conclusion, further research that would be necessary for defending and broadening Scheler's ethical thought shall be indicated.


--- 〈謝勒在「知識」與「認知」二辭上所隱括的義涵〉,《哲學與文化》第卅一卷第 七期(2004. 07):79-100。
Scheler, Max. Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values. A New Attempt toward the Foundation of an Ethical Personalism. trans. Manfred S. Frings and Roger L. Funk. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1973.
--- 〈政治及文化中「人格團結」與當代儒者的身份認同――一個哲學人類學的嘗 試〉,收錄在《儒學的現代反思》,蕭振邦主編,臺北市:文津, 1997:121-133。
Ave-Lallemant, Eberhard. "Die phaenomenologische Reduktion in der Philosophie Max Schelers." Max Scheler im Gegenwartsgeschehen der Philosophie. herg. von Paul Good. Bern und Muenchen: Francke Verlag, 1975: 159-178.
--- Scheler's Critique of Kant's Ethics. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1995.
