  • 學位論文

潑到國外的水─ 國際婚姻中越南配偶與娘家間的跨國連結

"Overseas-splashed water" : Transnational link between Vietnamese spouses and their natal families

指導教授 : 藍佩嘉




By interviewing Vietnamese spouses and their Vietnamese parents, as well as doing the fieldwork in Vietnam, this study explores the transnational link between Vietnamese spouses and their families in cross-border marriages. My research puzzles include: how do Vietnamese spouses who came to Taiwan via marriage maintain the relationship with the natal family in their daily lives? What are the conditions and restrictions of such transnational link? What are the changes of this transnational link as well as changes of the families in Vietnam. In fact, these "overseas-splashed water" ─ Vietnamese spouses in Taiwan ─ do not cut off the relation with her natal family because of the spatial distance after marriage immigration. Even, they also don’t lose the connection with natal family for some norms of Confucian culture. On the contrary, thanks to technological development, convenient transportation, extensive blood relation, as well as expectations from parents toward daughters in cross-borders marriage, this transnational relationship have been developing and maintaining. The flow of information, goods, money and people can be seen in this transnational relationship between Vietnamese spouses and their Vietnamese parents. Indeed, it’s a two-way interaction. In addition, as time changes, this link changes a lot. These changes are affected by many factors, and the “pull-push” forces of the two places on different variations have an important effect. In its maintenance process the link sometimes caused tripartite tension (between spouse, Vietnamese parent and the husband's family). Together with the connection with natal families in Vietnam, the Vietnamese spouses in Taiwan also establish the so-called "local natal family" to extend this transnational links.




