  • 學位論文


The Cooling Effects of Plant and Green Land

指導教授 : 林晏州


都市化形成都市氣候、加深都市熱島現象,本研究基於都市為人類生活的主要地,以園藝景觀角度探討都市環境中植栽綠地存在之效益,分別從都市尺度探討都市土地使用對都市氣溫之影響;都市外部空間重要景觀元素,探討喬木降溫效果與其影響因素;建築微尺度,探討薄層式屋頂綠化降溫效果與不同植栽降溫差異與影響因素。 在都市土地使用對都市氣溫之影響方面,本研究蒐集1999~2006年,臺灣16個都市地區之土地使用與都市溫度,研究結果顯示,土地使用分區面積比與市中心氣溫相關,當都市之非都市發展區面積比例愈高,則市中心氣溫愈低,而農業用地比愈大,市中心氣溫也愈低,而研究結果提出之都市氣溫預測式,將有助於從都市土地使用管制角度舒緩都市熱島效應。 在都市喬木降溫效果研究方面,本研究調查10種喬木與2種竹類的降溫能力,於2007年夏天測量各種類葉片與樹冠特性,於無降雨中午時段調查林下與無遮蔭對照點的微氣候條件,研究結果顯示,遮蔭樹可降低氣溫0.64~ 2.52 °C、降低表土溫度3.28~8.07°C,遮蔭樹之葉色、葉片厚度、葉表面質感、枝葉密度皆會影響降溫效果。 薄層式綠屋頂降溫研究方面,本研究監測綠屋頂溫度變化、比較12種植栽覆蓋下降溫能力之差異,並進一步分析植物特性與降溫能力之關係。研究結果顯示,薄層式綠屋頂具有降溫能力,不同植物覆蓋之植栽槽降溫能力有顯著差異,降溫能力介於12.90~ 22. 20°C,植株高度、植株反照率、生長型態、光合作用固碳途徑、葉片厚度均會影響降溫能力大小。


Urbanization causes urban climate and worsens urban heat island effect. Since urban area is the main settlement for humans, this study airmed to explore the existence benefit of green land and plant. In the urban scale, this study investigated the influence of urban land use on urban temperature. In the urban outdoor space scale, cooling effect of urban trees was studied and factors influence cooling effects were investigated. In building scale, this study explored the cooling effect difference among platforms covered by different plants. In addition, the factors influences the cooling effect were studied. In the work of effects of land uses on urban temperature, this study collected urban temperatures and land uses in 16 Taiwanese cities during 1999–2006. The results show that percentage of land use zone area related to city center temperature. City center temperature strongly and negatively correlated with percentage of nonurban developed areas and percentage of agricultural zone. This study proposed models for predicting urban temperature. Study results may provide insight into how urban land use planning can mitigate urban heat island effect. In the work of cooling effect of urban trees, this study examined 10 species of trees and 2 species of bamboos. In the summer of 2007, this study measured leaf and canopy characteristics of each species. The microclimate conditions under the tree canopies and an un-shaded open space were measured repeatedly in mid-days without precipitation. In comparison to the nearby un-shaded open space, air temperatures under the canopies were 0.64 to 2.52 °C lower while the surface-soil temperatures 3.28 to 8.07°C lower. Leaf color lightness, leaf thickness, leaf texture, and foliage density of shaded trees determined their cooling power. In the work of cooling effect of green roof, this study monitored the temperature variance of green roof and compared the cooling effect difference covered by 12 plant species. Further, the relationship between plant characteristics and cooling ability was investigated. The results show that green roof had cooling ability. Platforms covered by different plants reduced roof floor temperatures ranged 12.90 to 22. 20°C. There were significant cooling effect differences among the plants. Plant height, plant albedo, growth type, photosynthesis type, and leaf thickness of plants determined their cooling power.


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