  • 學位論文


Development and Verification of Validity and Reliability of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Taiwan Version

指導教授 : 黃璉華


背景:活動不足對健康的危害受到世界各國廣泛的矚目,但卻沒有一個通用的身體活動測量方法,可供進行國際間的比較,以找出預防之道。在此需求下,國際共識小組以過去七天的活動量為期,發展出國際身體活動量表,共有四套版本-自填長版、自填短版、電訪長版、及電訪短版,可跨國分析身體活動量及活動不足的原因。。 方法:量表發展期運用專家審查、田野研究及認知觀點調查法,建立國人身體活動相關概念、用語及項目的共識;透過翻譯及回翻完成國際身體活動量表台灣中文版的基本架構;並整合國內外相關研究,找出國人常見活動,進行歸類,成為本土版本獨特的內容。量表驗証期採橫斷式研究,檢驗中文版的信效度。研究選擇某一包含沒落四合院及大廈並存的社區,以戶籍名冊為母體,系統抽樣選出家戶,再用戶內取樣法選出個案,由92年8月收案至11月,得到18到65歲141位個案。 經12次焦點團體專家會議,及6次書面審查,國際身體活動量表中英文版本內容效度指標分數在98%以上,語言吻合度及意思相似度的內在等級相關在0.72到0.93之間。國際身體活動量表具有良好的穩定度,以Spearman’s rho檢定相關,再測信度為「國際身體活動量表—自填長版」(0.78);「國際身體活動量表—自填短版」(0.67);「國際身體活動量表—電訪短版」(0.96),與世界各國版本差不多。三國際身體活動量表間的同時效度為0.86, 0.63, 0.88,優於世界各國。與三度空間加速器的效標效度在0.31-0.41,類似於世界各國。三國際身體活動量可以區辨出健康指標,對生化數據較為敏感;對身體活動的認知也有良好的區辨效度。並發現在提供足夠做答時間的情況下,國中以下程度個案的效標效度並沒有降低。 證明我國研發出的國際身體活動量表中文版,與其他語文的版本一樣具有信效度,可以做為比較全世界人民身體活動量的工具。電話短版可用來建立國民活動與健康的監測系統,常態地分季節了解國人的身體活動情形。自填長版或自填短版可做為成果指標,了解身體活動政策與措施的成效。   最後對國際身體活動量表提出具體建議:如在卷首加上條件式以偵測過去七天是否為典型的一週、增修題目、發展特殊族群版本、及發展活動圖卡。本研究成功地消除了國際身體活動量表可能不適用於教育程度較低族群的疑慮。目前國際身體活動量表台灣中文版已被國內學者用於各項研究,未來期待儘速完成國內身體活動盛行率調查。


Background: Physical inactivity is a global concern, but diverse physical activity measures in use prevent international comparisons. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was developed as an instrument for cross-national monitoring of physical activity and inactivity. An International Consensus Group developed two long and two short forms of the IPAQ instruments (administered by telephone interview or self-administration, with reference periods, the“last 7 days” of recalled physical activity). Methods: Under translation, back translation and 12 sections of focus group discussion; three versions of IPAQ-Taiwan and GPAQ-Taiwan version were developed. From August to November in 2003, investigators from a community were collected reliability and validity data (141 samples) by systemic and household sampling. Test-retest reliability was assessed within 3 to 21 days. Concurrent validity was assessed at the IPAQ, GPAQ, 7-D PAR, diary and TASPA, and criterion IPAQ validity was assessed against the RT3 accelerometer. Spearman’s correlation coefficients were reported, based on the total reported physical activity. Results: The CVI of IPAQ-Taiwan versions were very high (higher than 0.9). The agreement coefficients between original versions and Taiwan versions were good (intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.72~0.93). Overall, the repeatable data which IPAQ questionnaires produced (Spearman’s ρ clustered around 0.67~0.96) was better than most of other samples (0.25~0.88), comparable data from short and long forms. Concurrent validity which was 0.63~0.88 comparisons with either two IPAQ, was similar with the other national data. Criterion validity had a median of about 0.31 to 0.41, which was comparable to most of other IPAQ validation studies (0.02~0.52). The reliability of telephone administration was better than the self-administered mode. Conclusions: The IPAQ-Taiwan versions have acceptable measurement properties, at least they are as good as other established the other versions of IPAQ and measurement of physical activity of self-reported. The study proved that the criteria validity coefficients coming from the subjects of lower education level did not decrease; therefore, IPAQ can be used to measure their level of physical activity. Considering the community base samples in this study, IPAQ-Taiwan version has reasonable measurement properties for monitoring population levels of physical activity among 18 to 65 years old adults, the short IPAQ (Taiwan version) form is recommended for national monitoring and the long (Taiwan version) form is also recommended for research.




