  • 學位論文

種球貯藏溫度、種植地區與種植時間對 伯利恆之星開花性狀之影響

The effects of bulbs storage temperatures, plantation areas and planting dates on flowering characteristics of Ornithogalum saudersiae Bak.

指導教授 : 張祖亮


摘 要(Abstract) 本研究選取曝曬後六週後的伯利恆之星(Ornithogalum saundersiae Bak.)種球,於三月初種植為對照組,進行8、12、16、20、24℃恆溫箱內貯藏及簡易溫室內繼續曝曬共六種處理。將溫度處理後的種球分別在五月及七月初取出種植,分別定植於台北盆地的台灣大學園藝系、海拔1200m的台大山地農場春陽分場與海拔2100m的台大山地農場梅峰本場。8與12℃低溫貯藏下可抑制種球生長,進而延後開花期,但種球累積腐爛率隨著貯藏時間的增加而上升。20與24℃高溫貯藏下不會抑制種球生長,進而提前開花期,且種球累積腐爛率較低,但貯藏時間越久植株開花率會隨之下降。伯利恆之星具有預生芽的特性,預生芽可在種球定植在適宜的環境氣候下,快速、大量的展出生長與分化。定植後其葉片數不會因為貯藏溫度、貯藏期間、種植季節、種植地區海拔影響到開花時的植株葉片數。種植於台北者因生長環境溫度較高,故其至開花期的株高較高且開花期最早,而種植春陽者次之,種植於梅峰者最晚。種植月份確實可以延後開花期,但需注意因貯藏時間過久,母球內碳水化合物消耗過多進而開花率與切花品質下降;種植月份應避開該地區易發豪大雨之季節,以免因雨過大導致植株至開花時的存活率過低,增加生產成本,降低農民收益。 依據本試驗研究結果,建議台灣地區之伯利恆之星切花生產,在三月初於台北地區定植種球,即可在六月上旬提早採收切花;將伯利恆之星種球以8℃或12℃低溫貯藏 4個月於七月初梅峰地區定植種球,即可延遲開花期至十月上旬採收切花。如此,除了八月份伯利恆之星正常花期外,可利用上述產期調節技術,達到延長供貨時期、增進農民收益以及提供消費者同時期多樣化選擇之成果。


The bulbs of Star–of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum saundersiae Bak.) after six weeks solarization in plastic house was chosen and planted in order to contrast the group at the beginning of March , respectively preserved in 8 , 12 , 16 , 20 , 24 ℃ of thermostated containers and continue being solarization in plastic house . Take out and plant the kinds of bulbs with treated temperature in the beginning of May and July separately, planting bulbs in National Taiwan university department of horticulture in Taipei basin、above sea level 1200m Chun-Yang farm and above sea level 2100m Mei-Feng farm. 8 and 12℃ can suppress the plant to grow , and then postpone flowering, but the rotten bulbs rate rising as preserved the increase of time. The bulbs storage in 20 and 24℃ with high temperature can not inhibit the growth of bulbs, advance flowering date, the rotten rate relatively low, but it was the longer to preserve time the blooming rate of plant was known and dropped thereupon . The Star–of-Bethlehem had characteristic of preformed bud, and can sprout quickly under the suitable environmental climate. The number of leaves of Star–of-Bethlehem could not be affected by storage temperature, plant season, plant area altitude. Plant on Taipei due to growing environment temperature relatively high , so the flowering date is the earliest, and the plant on Chun-Yang farm takes second place, it is latest to plant on Mei-Feng farm. Planting month can really postpone flowering date, it’s storage time is too long to consume carbohydrate much then with spend quality drop to cut flowering rate and quality. Planting should avoid the season of the likely to suffer from heavy rain of this area in month, in case that because the rain causes plants too low survival rate, increase the production cost, reduce farmer’s income. According to this result of study, advise the cut flower of the Star–of-Bethlehem in Taiwan , plant the bulbs in field planting of the area of Taipei at the beginning of March, can gather and cut flowers ahead of time in early June ; Plant the Star–of-Bethlehem bulbs which had been preserved for 4 months in 8℃ or 12℃ in Mei-Feng farm at the beginning of July, can postpone gathering and cutting flowers to the first ten days of October . Like this, in except the usual flowering date of Star–of-Bethlehem in August, can use the regulating flowering technology , reach and lengthen the achievement that supply period , promote farmer's income and offer consumer diversification in the corresponding period to choose.


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賴政興(2008)。伯利恆之星(Ornithogalum saudersiae Bak.)種球貯藏條件之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.03238
