  • 學位論文


A Study on the Analects of Confucius during the Northern Song Dynasty -from Annotationism to Confucian Philosophy

指導教授 : 袁保新


本論文探討北宋時期《論語》學研究成果,將此一階段分三大派論述:注疏派、古文派及理學派。同時試圖建立一條從注疏之學發展到義理之學的脈絡,冀能清晰表述北宋時期的《論語》學發展面貌,有助於對此一階段學術實況的理解。 注疏派以探討邢昺《論語注疏》為主,《論語注疏》是在皇侃《論語集解義疏》的基礎上,疏解何晏的《論語集解》,是以此書與《論語集解義疏》、《論語集解》,關係非常密切。而欲獲知其間的優劣、沿革或新變,筆者認為使用對照比較的方式,是最直接有效的作法,故將邢書與何注、皇疏並觀論列,以見其狀況。另外,唐寫本《論語鄭氏注》的出現,也成為吾人觀察《論語注疏》的重要材料,筆者將之與邢疏作詳盡的比較,從中論其差異得失,希能再以不同角度挖掘邢疏的特色。透過與唐寫本《論語鄭氏注》、何晏《論語集解》、皇侃《論語集解義疏》的比照,可以很明白的呈現《論語注疏》的最大特點就是精於訓詁名物制度,詳賅豐富,此已臻《論語》注疏學的頂點,亦是保持著傳統儒者的守經精神。 在古文家的《論語》學中,本文探究了劉敞《論語小傳》、蘇軾《論語說》、蘇轍的《論語拾遺》。《論語小傳》駁斥舊說、獨出新意、雜染道家、引申政治、大膽疑經,有鮮明的時代色彩。蘇軾《論語說》可清楚看出其非孟、反理學的思考,自可見蜀洛之爭固不在話下。蘇轍《論語拾遺》思想內容可以:仁、學道、雜釋道之說、孔子形象、三駁蘇軾等五方面觀之。此三人在詮解《論語》時,都以古文家寫作的手法,多方引書為證,這種模式與注疏之學其實相差不大,是可視為注疏學之延續,但他們引書為證的目的並不在於解釋舊說,而是為自己立論,此又為義理說經的精神。可見古文家扮演了承上啟下的角色。又其所引用的書籍,不似理學系統諸家較侷限於《中庸》、《大學》、《孟子》,亦是一大分別。 理學派的部分,依時間先後介紹胡瑗、孫復、周敦頤、張載、二程。胡瑗以抗顏為師的態度,實踐聖人明體達用之學,其《論語》學是實踐的學問。孫復的作品以《春秋尊王發微》最完整,在此書中他極力的闡發「尊王」與「尊聖」的觀點,引用《論語》之言,百般維護堯、舜、文王。周敦頤的《論語說》已佚,故以《通書》為探討範圍。他由誠談聖,極力抬升孔子的地位,同時也注意到顏回,為日後理學之範疇立下規模。張載無專門的《論語》著作,但所論甚多。他與周敦頤的《論語》學有許多相同之處,一樣由誠談聖,認定孔子是完美的聖人,對顏回有所討論。到了二程,他們更明確提出《論語》的重要性,對於《論語》中的「仁」有更深的體會與創發。並在周、張的基礎上,進一步敬重與推闡顏回,認定其為孔子以外,最重要的典範;另外弟子曾子、子夏,亦被二程稱譽,這些都構成二程《論語》學的特色。從整個理學派的情況來看,《論語》是成德成聖的依歸,《論語》學已從實際經術變成性理之學。 從邢昺的注疏之學到二程的義理之學,其中的異同、消長,構成了北宋《論語》學的面貌,顯示出《論語》學的重點偏移。同時這些探求的成就也正是朱熹《論語》學的基礎,四書學的基礎,甚至是日後理學的基礎。要了解儒學的復興,要了解理學數百年的發展脈絡,一定要先了解《論語》學的發展,而北宋《論語》學的重要性即在此。


北宋 論語 注疏學 義理學


This paper discusses the Northern Song Dynasty "The Analects" research results, this phase of three major parties discussed: commentaries faction, classical declared and Science School. While trying to establish a development from the commentaries to the moral principles of the science of learning context, a view clearly expressed in "The Analects" Learning development face the Northern Song Dynasty, live help for this stage of academic understanding. Xing Bing commentaries sent to explore "The Analects commentary," which, "The Analects commentary" in the "Analects Annals Hermeneutics" on the basis of Huang Kan, ease of He Yan "The Analects Annals", based on the book and "The Analects Annals Hermeneutics, "" The Analects Annals, "a very close relationship. And wish to learn during the merits of evolution or a new change, I believe that using the comparison approach is the most direct and effective way, it will XING book and Ho note, Wong Shu and outlook on the column to the situation reflected. In addition, Don wrote the "Analects of Confucius" appearance, has become I watch "The Analects commentaries" important material, I will make with the Xing Shu detailed comparison, the difference on the pros and cons from the Greek excavation XING again at different angles sparse features. Through Tang wrote the "Analects of Confucius", He Yan "The Analects Annals," Wong Kan "The Analects Annals Hermeneutics" in contrast, can understand the present "Analects Commentaries," the most important feature of the system is proficient exegetical name objects, details Gai rich, this giants "Analects of Confucius" Commentaries learn vertex is also maintained by the spirit of the traditional Confucian Shou. Ancient house in "The Analects" science, this paper explores the Liu Chang "The Analects biography," Su "Analects of Confucius said," Zhe's "The Analects Supplements." "The Analects biography" refute the old saying, alone out of new ideas, defilement Taoism, extended political, suspected by the bold, distinctive colors of the era. Su "Analects of Confucius" can clearly see its non-Meng, anti-Neo thinking, since visible Shu Luo dispute solid cinch. Zhe "The Analects Supplements" ideological content can: Jen, School Road, said hybrid of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucius image, three barge Su five aspects of view. This trio in the Explanation of "The Analects", are the way to writing prose, multi-op as evidence that this model of learning and commentaries in fact little difference is seen as a continuation of the commentaries to learn, but they cited the book as The purpose is not to permit the old explained that but for his own argument, say this has been the spirit of moral principles. Visible played the role of classical home nexus. Reference books and they do not like Neo various home systems over the limited "moderate", "university", "Mencius", is also a big difference. Part of the Science faction, Hu Yuan introduced chronologically, Sun Fu, Zhou, Zhang Zai, two-way. Hu Yuan Yen for the division in the anti-attitudes, practice with the sage of science Ming, the "Analects" Learning is the practice of science. Sun Fu's work with "Spring Zunwang micro" the most complete and in this book he strongly elucidation "Zunwang" and "respect for the holy" point of view, citing "Analects" of the words, in every possible way to maintain Yao, Shun, King Wen. Zhou's "Analects of Confucius" has been lost, so in order to "pass book" to explore the range. He talked about the sincerity St., strongly uplift the status of Confucius, Yen Hui also noted as areas of future jurisprudence set a scale. Zhang Zai no special "Analects of Confucius" works, but many of the theory. He and Zhou's "The Analects" learn a lot in common, like the San Tan Cheng, finds the perfect sage Confucius, Yen Hui is discussed on. To two-way, they are more clearly the importance of "The Analects", for the "Analects of Confucius" in the "benevolence" has a deeper understanding of the creative things. On the basis of week, sheets on respect and push further elaborated Yan Hui, other than Confucius finds its most important model; another disciple Zeng Zi Xia, also two-way galore, these are the two-way "Analects of Confucius" Learning characteristics. From the point of view of the entire faction of Science, "The Analects" is a German sanctification in mind, "The Analects" Learning from the actual grounds on the school after surgery becomes. Two-way learning moral principles learned from the commentaries of Bing Xing, one of the similarities and differences, ebb and flow, constitute the Northern Song "Analects" Learning appearance, showing "The Analects" key offset to learn. While exploring these achievements is also the basis of Zhu Xi "Analects of Confucius" to learn, to learn basic four books, and even the basis for future jurisprudence. To understand the revival of Confucianism, to understand the context of the development of jurisprudence for centuries, we must first understand the development of "The Analects" to learn, while the Northern Song Dynasty "The Analects" to learn that the importance of this.


