  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Issue Network on Social Housing Policy Formation in Taiwan: A Case Study of Social Housing Advocacy Consortium

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


近年來,隨著政治管道逐步鬆綁,非營利組織為增強在政策場域中之影響力,經常尋找與其目標及理念一致之組織,充分利用各團體的優勢與資源,形成更大的影響力來向政府施壓。2010年由住宅與社福民間團體共同成立的「社會住宅推動聯盟」,透過一連串的策略性的政策倡導活動,成功的將「社會住宅議題」拋出,開啟台灣有始以來針對住宅之公共性論述,更啟動了社會住宅政策發展的可能性。因此,這些經由議題所形成的網絡影響力,在政策形成過程中已不容忽視。 然而,回顧過去文獻發現,有關議題網絡與政策形成關係影響在我國學術界似乎顯少受到關注,再檢閱我國內歷年來有關政策形成或政策倡導相關論文發現,過去以網絡概念分析政策形成文獻,大多是以政策網絡的角度探討。而有關民間團體或組織的政策倡導研究,也大多以單一團體或組織對於政策倡導過程進行分析與討論。整體而言,以議題網絡觀點討論的學者甚少。因此,本研究將嘗試透過議題網絡觀點,分析社會住宅政策形成之內涵,也期望藉由這樣出發點,對於未來政策過程分析與政策倡導研究上能有所貢獻。 本研究的研究發現有四點。首先,社會住宅推動聯盟的形成因素包括:社會需求轉變、議題倡導正當性、召集者的角色扮演以及團體議題的共識等因素影響。其次,社會住宅推動聯盟在運作上得以有效維持網絡間關係,主要在於聯盟以明確的規則來建立網絡成員彼此之間的關係以及成員彼此之間在信任上的關係建立。再來,社會住宅推動聯盟在倡導策略之應用,基本上可分為:候選人遊說、立法機關遊說、行政機關遊說、大眾傳播媒體運用、示威抗議、舉辦活動等六種政策倡導策略。最後,研究者根據研究結果發現,社會住宅推動聯盟與政府互動過程,其實已相當凸顯出我國政府與民間團體所建立的網絡關係變化。並也從此一研究結果發現,目前我國政府與民間團體的網絡關係呈現出來的是一種既依賴又自主的關係。


In recent years, with the political system liberate, NPO (Non-Profit Organization) in order to increase influence to the government, often looking for ideas consistent organization, integration of resources from organizations, formation of a greater influence to pressure the government. In 2010, Social Housing Advocacy Consortium to be successful with initiate social housing issues through strategic policy advocacy. Therefore, the power from the network issues in the policy formation process could not be neglected. However, this study indicates that few literatures discusses about the impacts of issue network on policy formation in Taiwan. Actually, many studies about NPO and policy advocacy concentrate on the relations between single organization and policy advocacy process. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the policy formation process from the perspective of issue network. The research concludes, first of all, about Social Housing Advocacy Consortium formation factors includes: (a) Social needs have changed; (b) legitimacy of policy advocacy; (c) Conveners behavior, and (d) Groups consensus on issues. Second, Social Housing Advocacy Consortium can effectively maintain network relationships, is that through clear rules to establish the relationships between members of the network and trust between members on relationship building. Third, Social Housing Advocacy Consortium policy advocacy strategic is divided into: lobbying to candidates, lobbying the legislature, lobbying to the executive authorities, using mass media, protest, organize activities. Finally, according to the results, I found that the interaction between the Social Housing Advocacy Consortium and Government, are both dependent and autonomous in a relationship.


Berry, Jeffrey M. 1977. Lobbying for the People: The Political Behavior of Public Interest Groups. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.


