  • 學位論文


The Brand Marketing Strategy Analysis of International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival in Yilan

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


宜蘭縣向來以「文化立縣」自許,縣政府響應文建會推行「文化產業化」的理念至今,宜蘭國際童玩藝術節一直秉持:藉由國際文化交流活動,提昇國人精神生活,提昇國家地位方向而努力;「童玩」在每個人的成長歷程中,一向扮演著重要的角色,然而隨著科技的進步及社會型態的改變,原本屬於童玩文化的「地域性」、「創造性」、「群體性」等基本特性卻逐漸消失。宜蘭國際童玩藝術節強調以本土化為基礎,進而追求童玩的普及化與精緻化,使「童玩」品牌成為宜蘭的新文化與新傳統。 本研究透過有效的資源整合與整體觀光規劃,從事觀光品牌行銷合作。綜合上述研究目的,本研究將透過相關理論、文獻分析與深入訪談方式,進行理論概念的釐清與個案資料的收集與調查;進一步對宜蘭國際童玩藝術節進行SWOT分析檢視、探索行銷的現況與關鍵性行銷問題,進而嘗試為其研擬觀光行銷策略與品牌發展提出建議: 一、「定價策略」應以服務型兼企業型為導向。 二、童玩節「品牌」須深根植地方民眾的認同。 三、童玩節「行銷策略」需兼顧產、官、學、媒之間整合交流。 現今節慶觀光重要的品牌行銷通路在地方節慶觀光的推廣上,不再僅於地方政府的職責,透過產業界、學術界、媒體與中央地方部門之共同合作與交流,俾促使地方節慶活動的永續發展。「品牌」非只限於代表節慶活動本身,亦需代表地方的形象,其形成來自當地的人、事、物之整合及創意挹注,且需以當地居民的認同與參與,品牌才得以深根於地方。 文化創意的建置是需要經年累月的,12屆宜蘭國際童玩藝術節的的品牌,強塑了地方的文化與象徵性,大型觀光文化活動,也是活化地方產業、檢視品牌文化的有效方式;藉由公部門與民間的合作,進行策略伙伴的整合,達到文化永續發展之目標。 藉由2010年 「國際民俗藝術節協會」( CIOFF® ) 宜蘭童玩節品牌認證的成功,期望藉由本研究之貢獻,提供公部門參考之拙見,期待宜蘭縣建立更完整的品牌旅遊網路,讓縣民共同參與觀光資源的服務導向為經營原則,創造宜蘭「「兒童品牌」,重視童玩的「本土化、普及化、精緻化」,更讓旅客看見宜蘭的品牌國際化,讓遊客「fun心暢遊」。健康、智慧、富裕」的觀光產業,始為本文探究之精神與宗旨。


Yilan County has been the "culture of the county legislature from most county government response to the Council for Cultural Affairs to implement the concept of" cultural industries "so far, the of Ilan international toys Arts Festival has been uphold: By international cultural exchange activities, enhance people spiritual life, improvethe statehood direction efforts; "toys" in the growth of each individual course, have been playing an important role, originally belonged to the children to play culture "regional" However, with the advances in technology and changes in social patterns,The basic characteristics of creative "," mass "is gradually disappearing. The International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival in Yilan emphasis on localization based, and then to pursue the popularity of toys and refined, so that the "toys" brand to become the new culture and new traditions of The Yilan.。 In this study, through the effective integration of resources and the overall tourism planning, engage in the tourism brand marketing cooperation. The research purposes, this study will be through the relevant theory, literature analysis and in-depth interviews, clarifying theoretical concepts and case information collection and investigation; further View Arts Festival on of Ilan international toys SWOT analysis, explore marketing current situation key marketing issues, and then try to develop a tourism marketing strategy and brand development for suggestions: 1. A pricing strategy oriented, service and enterprise type. 2.Children's festival "brand" to be deep-rooted in the recognition of the local people. 3.Children's festival "marketing strategy" need to take into account the production and integration between government, academia, media exchanges. Today's festival tourism brand marketing channels on the promotion of tourism in the local festival is no longer only the duties of the local government, through the co-operation and exchange of industry, academia, the media, and the central and local departments, serve to promote local festivals continued development. "Brand" non-confined on behalf of the festivals themselves need to represent the image of the place, its form from the local people, things, objects integration and creative inject recognition and participation of local residents, the brand and the need to be deep-rooted in place. Build cultural and creative needs for many years, 12th International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival in Yilan brand, strong plastic place of cultural and symbolic, large-scale tourism and cultural activities, is also activated local industry, and effective way to view brand culture; borrowby the public sector and civil cooperation, integration of strategic partners, and culture of sustainable development goals. With the success of the 2010 International Folk Arts Festival Society "(CIOFF ®) Ilan toys section brand certification, expect by this study, the contribution of the public sector reference humble opinion, looking forward to the Ilan County to establish a more complete brand travel network,allow county citizens to participate in a service-oriented tourism resources for the operating principle, the creation of Ilan Child brand, pay attention to the children to play the "localization, the popularization of refined, but also the the travelers saw Ilan brand internationalization, so that visitors"fun heart swim. "Health, wisdom, prosperity "in the tourism industry, beginning to explore the spirit and aims of this paper.


