  • 學位論文


The physiognomic and the theory of books which teach physiognomy for fortune telling in the middle ancient times of China

指導教授 : 邱添生 蔡學海


本文除了緒論和結論之外,可分為四大章。第一章主要討論從先秦到隋唐期間中國傳統相術理論的發展。兩漢以前的相術理論以人體特徵為主要的判斷標準,並配合先天命定觀,強調人的行為並不能改變命運。中古時期開始將相術詞彙運用到人物描寫,目的是為了凸顯這些人的不凡之處。這時期相術理論的發展受到道教、佛教的影響,以陰陽五行、天人感應、因果輪迴等思想為主,與相術結合後發展出新的判斷標準。 第二章以佛教為中心,探討對中古時期相術理論的影響,分別從相術詞彙、理論和僧侶操作三方面加以討論。相術詞彙的部份以佛教相好內容為主,即「三十二相」、「八十種好」對相書寫作產生的影響。相術理論主要是行為決定論的成熟,使判斷結果和現實間的差異得到解決,給予相術抽象化的外在。最後針對中古時期僧侶操作相術和編寫相書等情形加以討論。 第三章是討論中國時期對相術的應用情形,分為婚姻、交友和改善風俗三項。利用相術擇偶在秦代已經出現。反映在相書寫作上出現了專論女性的內容,其判斷方式除了外表,還有行為標準。交有事屬於人際間的投資行為,目的是為了確保自己和家族的富貴。改善風俗的功能是與儒家道德觀結合之後,配合漢末人物評論的標準和方法,向一般人傳遞儒家道德觀,展現改變風俗的作用。 第四章以士人階級對相術的態度為主,實務層面分為謀生和休閒活動兩部分,利用相術謀生的多為基層士人,他們是將各種哲學思想融入相術的媒介,奠定了宋代以後相術理論抽象化、哲學化的基礎。擔任政府官員的知識份子將相術作為個人興趣,用在人事安排上,並由此得到美名。心態上有相信與存疑兩種態度,當時大多數知識份子對相術抱持肯定,樂於參與相術活動。心存疑惑者也不是全面否定相術,而是針對部份理論或例子提出疑問。但就算如此也不能動搖相術的人們心中的地位。


This article has four major chapters except introduction and ending. The first chapter discusses the development about the theory of tradition physiognomy from the period of the previous Chin Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. The physiognomy is based on figure characteristic before the Dynasty of East-Han and West-Han, and cooperate with everything control by Heaven, to emphasize that human action is unable to change their destiny. From the middle ancient times, people start to put the physiognomy vocabulary in the figure description; it is in order to stand out the outstanding and difference from person to person. The physiognomy theory development in this period influenced by Taoism and Buddhism which is major in Moon-Sun and Gold-Wooden-Water-Fire-Soil, reaction of human and Heaven, Reincarnation and then combine with physiognomy to develop a new judgment standard. The second chapter is mainly in Buddhism, from A. D. four to ten is the one chapter of Chinese tradition culture large conversion, the one of reason that the Buddhism culture introduced. The literature and art were influenced by Buddhism culture, the physiognomic which one of the augural is also not an exception. This article is start from physiognomic vocabulary and theory to treat the Buddhism culture influence for physiognomic. Finally, according to the annals to analyze that the Buddhism monks how to use physiognomic missionize and try to re-create at the moment the Buddhism influences for physiognomic and complementarity. The third chapter discuss about the physiognomic application in the middle ancient times; it with 3 items in matrimony, friendship and manners improvement. It can be found in record that to use physiognomic for the matrimony in the Han dynasty. It occurred only expend in feminine respect to reflect the physiognomic writing, the judgment way is not only looks but also behavior standard. The friendship is regard as an investment in the communication of person to person; the purpose is making sure oneself and family’s wealth and social position. The manners improvement is combining with the Confucian morality and match up the commentary standard and way of the people in the end of Han Dynasty, to convey the Confucian morality to the populace to show an action of manners improvement. The fourth chapter is for the intellectual’s point of view in physiognomic, it has 2 parts that to earn a living and to enjoy leisure time in practical perspective. To employ the physiognomic to earn a living is almost the basic level intellectual; they put every philosophy thinking into physiognomic, to establish the groundwork of abstract and philosophy of the physiognomic in after the Sung Dynasty. The intellectual who serve as government official take the physiognomic as oneself interest to use it in the personnel matters arrangement, and obtain good reputation. It has two positions of belief and suspicion in the mindset, almost of intellectuals were entertain undoubtedly in the physiognomic and glad to attend the activities of physiognomic at the time. Even somebody who with suspicion in the mindset also don’t overall to negate physiognomic, and just to bring questions in some theory or instance; even though for that, it still unable to waver the physiognomic position in people’s mind.


(春秋)左丘明,(民國)徐元誥,《國語集解》(北京:中華書局,2002 年)。
(春秋)左丘明,(民國)楊伯峻編,《春秋左氏注》(北京:中華書局,1990 年第2版)。


