  • 學位論文


A Study of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Equipment Security and Maintenance: From Passenger and Expert Perspectives

指導教授 : 林啟瑞 黃廷合




In this study, the MRT depot planning operations to be treated as a new product planning, Use the " Seven tools for new product planning " research methods to conduct the importance of the passengers in the MRT concerns matters survey, to learn about the passengers on safety and comfort needs and preferences provided by the MRT system, further planning to orient the new service. Research is divided into two stages, the first stage of the "interview survey", "opinion survey" and "factor analysis", the second stage of "creative thinking", "creative options" and "conjoint analysis." In the interview survey, according to respondents opinion summarized based on the views of 33 evaluation projects, as access to the content of the survey questionnaire and factor analysis using SPSS software, extracted three categories as a key factor while passengers MRT most concern. Follow-up to creative thinking, creative options screened six key creative ideas as the basis for a joint analysis with level set of card properties, and to establish a joint analysis of eight cards, joint analysis confirmed by sequencing and interviews with expert advice, access to MRT system level service attributes and preferences of the combination data. The MRT depot planning operations can be regarded as a basis to provide security and stability on MRT services, this research concerns the viewpoint of passengers and experts. according to the overall respondents joint analysis results, suggestions of this study are: "passenger demand Discussion (quantitative analysis)","expert opinion discussion (qualitative analysis) "," proposed a list of recommended main depot maintenance equipments "and" establish a top-down planning and do it right first time concept. "


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