  • 學位論文


A Study on Customer Needs of Driving Video Recorder

指導教授 : 張文華


臺灣的行車影像記錄器,充斥著各個品牌機種,目前尚無廠商掌握市場的主導權,因此在新產品的研發前,需透過系統化的研究方式,發掘顧客的需求。 本研究之目的在探討使用者對行車影像記錄器的顧客需求,利用品質機能展開法來探討使用者的需求轉換為產品的需求項目、需求品質之重要度,及品質要素等規劃之要點,提供創新產品研發設計之參考。問卷結果顯示,使用者對於行車影像記錄器最在乎的顧客需求項目依序是「夜間影像清晰」、「輸出畫面清楚不模糊」及「錄影每個影片片段連續無漏秒」,而經過品質機能展開找出符合顧客需求的品質要素,依序為「影像感測器」、「感光元件」、「儲存設備」及「高畫質攝影功能」等品質要素。以上的研究結果希望廠商在產品規劃階段就可考慮顧客的聲音,設計出滿足顧客的需求。


As there are many brands of driving video recorders in Taiwan, manufacturers are not able to grasp the marketing initiatives so far. Thus, the customer requirements must be investigated systematically to design new products. The goal of this study is to investigate customer needs of driving video recorders. This study considers quality function deployment to analyze the customer needs for identifying the necessary functions, the importance of required quality, and the critical factors of product quality. The analytical results will facilitate the design and development of new products. Extensive surveys indicate that users pay much attention to “high-definition nighttime images”, “the non-blurred output images”, “seamless video loop”. Based on the survey results, the customer needs indentified by the quality function deployment are “capability of camera sensors”, “sensitivity of camera sensors”, “storage”, and “high-resolution videos”. These features will be considered as key factors for design.


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