  • 學位論文

環保自然葬墓地空間規劃設計之研究 - 以臺北市「詠愛園」為例

The research of space planning and designing principles in eco-cemeteries – the case study of a “Yung ai yuen” cemetery in Taipei.

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


中國人認為死後土葬即是入土為安,因此墓地常與民爭地甚至濫葬造成山坡地景觀危害及水土保持的危機。反觀先進國家的墓園常被塑造成美麗幽靜的環境,讓人徜徉其間懷古思情。不但將墓園環境塑造成公園並與生活做結合,可讓後人緬懷先人。 在順應永續發展的趨勢下,現代人對於傳統禮俗的觀念也逐漸轉化,進而接受環保自然葬的新方式;在民國六十五年推行墓地公園化政策,直到民國九十二年政府機關積極地提倡環保自然葬法的樹、灑葬與海葬…等方式,希望人死後能回歸自然,減少土地及經濟資源的負擔,達到環保與永續利用的雙重目的,同時也把握「節葬」與「潔葬」的原則避免資源的匱乏。 本研究即是在環保自然葬政策推行下,藉由文獻收集、田野調查、深度訪談以建立研究架構並瞭解使用者對於樹葬空間的設計與設施的意見、管理者想法及專業規劃者的建議,整理歸納後,提出針對未來環保自然葬區空間規劃設計之課題與改善建議,並研擬其規劃設計原則,期望能永續利用與發展並重,作為未來墓園更新規劃者之參考依據。


環保自然葬 樹葬


The Chinese, who are deeply affected by traditional Etiquette, believet that the true peace for death lies in burying the dead body into the earth and letting the body decaying with time. Due to this reason, the graveyard has caused the crisis of indiscriminate burial which might destroy the mountainside landscape, and the water and soil conservation. Following the tide of continuous development, modern people can gradually accept the new concept of naturally eco-burial . Advanced countries usually make use of plants to soften the gloomy atmosphere to form the graveyard into a beautiful place which combines living and leaves the younger generation to cherish the memory of their ancestors. Taiwan administration removed a policy of Park cemetery in 1976 and the movement gradually improves the memorial park landscape since then. Until 2001, The government had been positively advocated the environmental natural burials such as tree, sea-burial for environmental protection in the hope of bringing back the nature which had been destroyed. At the same time, this planning also reduces the demand of land and the economical resources. This way will achieve the environmental protection and sustainable use. Simultaneously also grasps "the festival buries" and "cleanly buries" the principle to avoid the land resource the deficiency. The research is compiled information of course and the significance about natural burials and Eco-Cemeteries. The research theory overhead construction and case study on the domestic and foreign. Then, we can analysis to discuss draws up the topic and the countermeasure. After the reorganization induction, we proposed planning the preliminary analysis and the suggestion about Eco-Cemeteries. And hope the sustainable development. The finding will take the future memorial park renewal plan of reference.


Eco-Cemeteries natural burials


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