  • 學位論文


The Cognitive Study of App Icon-styles on Different Age Groups

指導教授 : 黃啟梧


生活中電腦所介入的使用族群與類型範圍越來越廣泛,而我們也可以看到圖像式介面開始讓電腦操作的門檻降低。在未來智慧數位科技的時代,中介面將充斥社會的每個角落。研究者發現在平板電腦的人機互動介面中GUI(Graphical user interface)其實最常使用與看到的,其中又以App為平板電腦介面圖像的核心。目前行動裝置系統介面風格,可歸為Metro style與Aqua style。 本研究欲從Metro style與Aqua style介面風格探討App圖像呈現手法中的具象、抽象、平面與立體進行不同年齡層的主觀認知評估。根據文獻指出圖像需靠人的心智認知去轉化解釋,本研究假設不同年齡層對於具象且立體的圖像較抽象且平面的圖像容易做視覺上的辨識與聯想,另外從以往的研究顯示,性別差異的確可能導致不同的消費行為偏好。 研究發現;年齡對於Aqua style 圖像的易視性與辨識性皆沒有顯著差異。對Metro style圖像的易視性與辨識性皆具顯著性的差異,年齡層可分為二到三群;分別是16~30歲、31~45歲、46~65歲或是16~30歲、31~65歲。比對年齡層與偏好關係後,發現在十個圖像中所有年齡層皆偏好Aqua style,尤其是年齡從31歲以後開始更加明顯。再從風格與呈現手法來看,透過平均數排序可發現;不管是易視性或辨識性,受測者在感受的邏輯上,會先從呈現方式來判斷圖像(具體/抽象)。除了年齡層有影響外,性別上的差異在本次研究中並沒有感受到明顯差異。


年齡 圖像 介面風格 Metro-style Aqua-style


Computers are used by growing numbers of people on an expanding range of devices, and image-type interfaces have been developed to facilitate access for everyone. In the future, image interfaces will fill every corner of the community in the digital wisdom technology era. Some researchers have found that graphical user interface (GUI) is increasingly important and widely used. Among them, Apps are the heart of GUI. Currently, the image style in digital devices can be classified into two types. One is Metro style. The other is Aqua style. This study examined the experience of different age groups in using App icons of Metro and Aqua style, focusing on four distinct design factors: concrete, abstract, flat and stereoscopic. According to some researchers, different images have different meanings that are generated by human beings’ mental awareness. This study tests whether different age groups have different feelings about App icons. In particular, it investigates whether an icon image that is concrete and stereoscopic at the same time can be more visible and legible for users. It also analyzes whether male and female users exhibit different user behavior. The study found that visibility and legibility in Aqua-style icons were not significantly different for distinct age groups. However, for Metro-style icons these two factors registered different user experiences across two or three distinct age groups: 16~30 and 31~65; and 16~30, 31~45, and 46~65. Comparing user preferences for the ten icons, every user, including younger age groups, preferred Aqua style. Older age groups had a clear preference for Aqua-style icons. The study also found that visibility and legibility were strongly influenced by concrete and abstract factors. However, while user experiences were different across distinct age groups, gender differences were not significant.


Age Icon Interface-style Metro-style Aqua-style


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